There's a pretty substantial patch that came out yesterday that fixes numerous things.
Obvously isn't going to fix poor storytelling and level design but it did fix a lot of what was wrong technically. The review was obviously written on an unpatched version. I wonder if the score would have been higher if they wrote it on a patched game?
@dutchgamer83 @DarksjeiK Well it's the Unreal 3 engine which is dated, yes, but it isn't actually broken. I haven't played the game yet I'm recieving it tommorrow so maybe my opinion may change after I actually play it but for now I'm willing to believe it's a functional product even if it isn't going to be a high profile AAA quality game.
Well against popular opinion I just ordered a copy of the xbox version online. I decided to chance it since I like simple straightforward shooters. I enjoyed myself playing games like Turok and Homefront. Both of which didn't really score well in the media.
I don't mind straightforward gameplay as long as the game is not technically broken as in crashes, gamebreaking bugs etc.. So far I haven't found any evidence online that it is actually broken.
Also A:CM is a pretty high profile game and since they sell season passes with the game I'm assuming Gearbox is committed to the game and it will get patched regularly to iron out the shoddy stuff.
If I can give people one advice it's to not get caught up in chasing the graphics unicorn. I've been a videophile for years but found that in the end the search for that extra frame greatly distracted me from what's really important, simply enjoying the game.
there's no argueing with a high end pc, no reason to add it to the comparison. Eventhough strangely enough in this comparison 360 looks best because of the higher contrast pictures. PS3 and PC look washed out in comparison.
DarksjeiK's comments