Women are the new core? Funny, it seems to me that women are grossly underrepresented everywhere I go in the gaming world, on gaming sites, online, in the gaming shop, and in the video game isle at Wal-Mart.
Women may be the new core, but what do they play? My mom spends more time playing video games than I do, however she only plays card games on the computer. I remember my cousin (a girl/woman) bought a Wii and a DS and not a PS3 because Sony and Microsoft only had "boy games" (those were her words).
I'm going to suspect that this is what is happening. More women are playing than there used to be but that women as a group don't play the big, complex games with all the high powered graphics and explosions....and the big price tags, other than The Sims.
Actually you are a bit off on the math. If caucasians of all nationalities make up 20% of the world population, then people of color will make up 80% of the world population (because it is composed of both men AND women) whereas women will be somewhere around 50%. The group "people of color" or for that matter "white people" includes both men and women, while the group of women is obviously, just women.
Gamers Rejoice! Celebrate! Now we know that games will not cost $70 next generation. Michael Pachter has predicted it, therefore it shall not come to pass. Thank you Michael, I needed that. I was beginning to get worried. Now I can rest easy.
His mission is to kill Ryu Hyabusa????? It may be a good game but as a matter of fanboy-nerd-talk that's a bad mission. Of all the people in the video game world, they send him to get Ryu Hyabusa.
I guess it could be worse, his mission could be to kill Kratos or Solid Snake, or the Master Chief. But that's about the whole list as far as more difficult targets is concerned. How does that conversation go???
Boss: "Hey Yiba I got a mission for."
Yiba: "OK boss I'm ready for whatever."
Boss: "I want you to kill Kratos"
Yiba: (scratches head) "Kratos??? Ummm, I don't know about that. That's gonna be real hard. But even if I pull it off, you do know that killing Kratos doesn't do anything; it just makes him mad, and starts a war."
Boss: "How about Master Chief, then?"
Yiba: "Errrr."
Boss: "How about Snake then?"
Yiba: "Which one?"
Boss: "Solid?"
Yiba: "Uhhhh, That dude's more of a ninja than we are. We run around running rough-shod over enemies. Snake actually hides in the shadows. Sometimes he even doesn't even have to kill anyone to complete his missions."
Boss: "Look you have to get somebody"
Yiba: "How about one the Techmo Ninja's?"
Boss: "OK"
Yiba: (crosses fingers and whispers under his voice) "Not Hyabusa, not Hyabusa, not Hyabusa."
I'm still waiting for NG3 to drop below $25 before I buy it. I was a hardcore fan of all I owned all versions of NG1 and NGS2. But when I read about the major step backward NG3 had taken, I decided to wait for to get the opinion of the masses. The masses said that the reveiws were correct, NG3 is crap.
The new version doesn't answer all the questions I have. I know that Ayane is in the game but that doesn't tell if the other issues have been addressed. I want to be able to switch among multiple weapons. I want to buy stuff from the in game shop. I want to level up weapons. I want difficult enemies. I want...I want the game as Itagaki designed it.
It's not difficult. Go back to Sigma 1, draw a new map. Put all the objects as they are in Sigma 1, into the new game. Use the same weapons, the same items, the same essence system, even use the same enemies. Just change as little as possible.
Darrius_Cole's comments