@kartelas @Darth_Kane @Ladiesman17 The Engine itself can be blamed for optimization, but stuff like quest bugs etc. are Bugsidian's fault. Modders managed to fix most of Obsidian's broken stuff
@kartelas @Ladiesman17 Yes, blame LucasArts for buggy unfinished KOTOR2, blame Atari for buggy NwN2, blame Sega for only giving them 5 years for Alpha Protocol (that was their own modified U3 engine), blame Square Enix for Dungeon Siege 3, blame Bethesda for FNV ...
After blaming their broken buggy messes every single time on the publisher, I doubt anyone would be stupid enough to work with Bugsidian ever again (notice how every one of their games comes from different publishers?). In the beginning they blamed LucasArts for KOTOR2 and people believed them CUZ BLACK ISLE GODS! Then they did the exact same thing for every one of the games and morons still believe their BS. Fool me once, shame on me, fool me 5 times...
@Ghosthunter54 Riiiiiight, it was LucasArts' fault for KOTOR2, just like how it was Atari's fault for NwN2 being one of the buggiest games ever, and SEGA rushed them for Alpha Protocol they only game them 5 years, and they also blamed Bethesda for FNV, it was NEVER Bugsidian's fault. Lol, can't believe morons still believe their BS just because a few guys came from Black Isle
@Shango4 @b0sse Yes, just like how it was Atari's fault NwN2 was one of the buggiest games ever, and it was Sega's fault for Alpha Protocol they only gave them 5 years, Square Enix messed up Dungeon Siege 3, don't forget they blamed Bethesda for FNV's bugs (notice how no publisher ever wants to work with them ever again?)
@Shango4 @Wraith3 Riiiight, they blamed KOTOR2 on LucasArts, then Atari for buggy NwN2, then Sega for only giving them 5 years for Alpha Protocol, then Bethesda for FNV, it was NEVER Bugsidian's fault
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