Yeah, he said he was trapped...So what? You can't take something like that at face value and assume there are no ways for him to project himself, or divide himself. Considering the "infection" seems to be based on something MIB does, perhaps he can divide himself and become the puppet master for multiple people...Or he just has the ability to project a likeness to someone, which Jacob also seems able to do. I think looking at this from an unbiased perspective would only show you that you can't take anything at face value until it's explained...Since the show is notorious for throwing out red herrings.spazzx625
I would think the red herring would be that everyone assumed they were the same. But now,look:
Evidence that Christian is MIB
Smokey has taken the form of dead people before.
Evidence that he is not
MIB's word.
Clair's word
Sun's word.
The fact that some dead people were not MIB(Like ben's mom, inside the fence)
First off. when did the MIB say that he didnt take form of Christian. Claire only called him "her friend" and Sun? Provide your proof. Mean why would a dead Christian be walking around the island and appearing randomly through out the show? Why did he confront Locke about dying when moving the island? Since the MiB needed John dead for the body it makes sense for the MIB to Christian. Yes there is no proof to prove that I am correct. But makes sense. What else would explain it? MIB said he was trapped, when christian is not. Clair refered to her father and MIB seperatly. Sun said she saw Christian while we know MIB was with Ben.
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