@Bryjoered07 Now your just showing your age, or lack of it.
Time for a history lesson, since you're apparently either unaware, or conveniently ignoring, the 80s gaming landscape that gave us the monolithic publishers that are the EA and Activision of today.
There once was a time when both EA and Activision produced their own original content (i.e. Archon, Lords of Conquest, Realm of Impossibility, Pitfall, Chopper Command, etc.)
Around the mid 80s, Nintendo released its first console in the U.S. The original NES' success drastically increased the distribution of video gaming consoles in an early era of more cost prohibitive PCs.
Sega would soon follow suit. Around this time, EA found success with it first Madden. They quickly realized that they could recycle their sports titles yearly and make minimal changes between iterations allowing for lesser development costs and greater profit.
After a few years of stockpiling funds from their recycled sports franchises, EA started to realize that it was a safer bet to absorb other successful studios and their IPs rather than take the risk of innovating and creating their own.
Activision would learn the same lesson years later with the success of CoD. Gradually, both would drift from their origins of original content creators to borg-like publishers of others' content.
I am a PC elitist because I have witnessed, firsthand, the deleterious effect of these decisions as reflected in the AAA gaming industry of today with its conservative fear of risk taking and technological innovation in the face of potentially lucrative sequelization with minimal change,and the rampant technological ignorance that the consoles have bred especially as they've evolved to become the watered down PCs that they are today.
Major developers will always cater to the party they expect to make them the most money. Having said that:
@Bryjoered07 The fact is, it's 2014 and PCs have been playing at 1080p/60 fps for nearly a decade now. PCs are now heading for the 1440p/4k horizon while dragging the worthless boat anchor that is the console communities behind it.
Next gen platforms inability to meet, much less exceed, this benchmark, is testament to their abject failure as true "next gen" offerings.
I'm just going to ignore the rest of the standard, "but I'm really a PC gamer," lies because I've heard the same speech before.
If you know anything about input latency, which you likely would if you really were a PC gamer and not a console gamer trying to disguise their origins, then you would know exactly why the performance does not feel at all similar between the two standards and exactly why that is.
If you truly are a PC gamer, then it does not sound like you have been one for that long.
@frigginjoe Because the developers of that game had the audacity to try and claim that their decision to run it at less than 1080p and 60 fps was an "artistic" one; thinking that everyone in their audience was as ignorant about resolution and fps as the average console player.
They were wrong.
Luckey is addressing framerates in general.
You'd know this if you actually bothered to read the article.
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