@Spartan_418 And most of them have never demoed it either.
Haters love to hate.
The fact that a 19 y/o kid with a vision and moxie can garner the attention of John Carmack (of Doom fame) through an internet VR discussion board is quite unique,
Carmack also demoed an early prototype with no associated NDA apart from the honest intention and good faith of visionary kid, only to leave his prominent position and join with this precocious kid as CTO.
I feel that speaks volumes both to the integrity of Carmack's character as well as his faith in this kid's vision.
In my experience, PC gamers tend to know much more about the actual tech that runs their games and are therefore more hardware savvy and excited to experience the latest and greatest technology/peripherals.
They tend to embrace change where console players fear it and circle their wagons around: exclusives, physical media, and whatever else the company they're loyal to tells them is most important(i.e. 30 fps lending a cinematic effect to a game)
@Slyster1181 This has nothing to do with the Oculus, apart from the fact that VR peripherals will benefit even more from additional frames than the traditional distanced display.
This is a tech industry person stating pure fact.
It's 2014, and these "next-gen" offerings are, so far, dead in the water and pathetic.
60 fps @ 1080p has been the standard in PC gaming since the beginning of the last console generation and the latest "next-gen" systems still can't measure up while PCs are moving forward into the 1440p-4k future with the console boat anchor tied around their ankle.
Now that we're all x86, maybe you kids will start to wisen up, but based on the misinformed fanboy comments that I read here, I doubt it.
Dasein808's comments