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What makes the perfect Pokemon Game?

Yeh... I`m really inactive on Gamespot lately but with the release of Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver in Japan it made me think about writing this blog.

So what makes the perfect Pokemon Game to me? With this I mean a DS game and not the WII kind off Pokemon games.

1. Real Time Events:

- With this I mean the difference of day and night events in-game. HG and SS are a great example of this. For example: In the starting area you can catch a Sentret at day but at night it`s full of Hootoots. The time in the game goes parallel to the time of the real world so you can only catch a Hootoot when you play at night.

2. The 'Becoming a Gym Leader' Possiblity:

- As Secret Bases were very popular (to me at least) I was thinking about a variation of that idea. Why not change the secret base into your own Gym! The game will have one single building which you can decorate and where you can place max. 3 trainers as tests (like in any normall gym). You`ll have to choose the theme of your gym before decorating it. Once you`re finished you can mix records with friends so they can try to defeat your Gym! (maybe with a fake badge as the reward or someting). Well, because the Gyms all will be in the same building, you`ll have to choose to whose gym you want: Your own Gym to decorate or a friend`s Gym. If you choose your friend`s gym then a list will appear with all your recorded friend Gyms so you can choose one. Seems like a good idea to me! :D

3. Stalking Pokemon:

- As I said in a previous Blog: the first Pokemon from your deck will walk behind you in HG and SS. This is a nice new feature because it makes everything even more fun to look at. :) All Pokemon games should have this.

4. 3d Cutscenes:

- I know the Lugia or Ho-oh on the starting screen of HG and SS are 3d but I don`t know if the cutscenes are. I so, sweet, if not, then it will be a good idea for the next Pokemon. It will make you realise that the world of Pokemon isn`t as flat you think. Though the game is 3d now, the game doesn`t really give you the impression that you walk in a 3d world.

5. Battle Frontier:

- After finally defeating the Elite 4 ,what to do? Go to The Battle Frontier for new challenges of course!! It`s really the perfect place to make you enjoy the game even more.

6. A Celebi Event:

- The rarest Pokemon of them all: Celebi!! I know there was a Bonus Disc with Celebi on it and some other Japanese Events gave away Celebi to, but with a Celebi Event I mean an in-game event like with Shaymin and Mew. I don`t know if this is the case in HG and SS , but I really hope so :)

That`s it for now Please Comment and maybe you have another requirment of the perfect pokemon game then please post it right here!

See Ya! :D

Future Pokemon: Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver and my opinion

YES! After Nintendo`s remake of Red, Blue and Yellow (Leafgreen and Firered) I was just waiting for this to happen. A remake of my second favorite Pokemon game gen: Gold and Silver. The remakes are called Heart Gold and Soul Silver and Nintendo announced it about a month ago (I think). I think that this is going to be the best Pokemon game till now and I can`t wait. It is said that it will be released this autumn in Japan.

Of course, it`s not a complete remake. There are many new features in the game and I will discuss the ones that are revealed so far.

- In Pokemon Yellow your Pikachu could walk behind the player anywere as long as it was first in your party and in DPPt you could go to Amity Square to scroll with various 'cute' Pokemon. Well, now as a new feature in Heart Gold and Soul Silver all pokemons will be able to follow your player!! Only the first in your party, of course. You will be able to interact with your following Pokemon to see it`s mood (just like in Yellow). Personally I think that this will make the game a lot more fun :)

- Of course, the game will now be compatable with 4th gen Pokemon games. This will be a Pokemon game with a very large amount of Legandars available. Ho-oh (Gold) , Lugia (Silver) , Raikou/Entei/Suicine, Kyorge (Gold) , Groudon (Silver) , Dialga/ Palkia/Giratina, Rayquaza, Jirachi and maybe Celebi. The / means that you can only get one of them. I`m also excited about the Pikachu-coloured Pichu event. After getting it as Mystery Gift on Platinum, you can transfer it to HG/SS for another event featuring a Notched-Ear Pichu!!! :lol:

- A device called the Pokewalker will be included when you buy HG/SS. You can transfer 1 Pokemon to it and it will train as you walk around with it in real life. Just like a pocket-day-care, but then better!! It will have many other features to.

It will hopefully include both Yotho and Kanto region as before. Also, I hope that the mobile will return. I know it won`t but the Secret Bases should make a comeback to. :?

In any case, prepare yourself for a very nice Pokemon game. :lol:

Nintendo E3: Awesome! What I`m buying.

I wasn`t really in to gaming anymore because of school and the lame games the last couple of months. But I dicided to check out the Nintendo E3 for some up-to-dat information.I`ve been inactive here to but I`m active on Youtube now.

Well, Nintendo is finally moving again. The Nintendo E3 confirms some awesome games. Heres my oppinion of some of the games and whether I`m getting them or not.

- Super Mario Galaxy 2: Well, I didn`t expect this one, but it looks nice. I really was missing Yoshi in the 1st Mario Galaxy. But except for Yoshi it just looks like just some more levels to play through and not many changes. I`m getting it anyway :P Trailer

- New Super Mario Bros. Wii: Awesome!! I loved the DS vesion and now it`s coming for the Wii!! I love the Multiplayer and Wifi possiblities. I definitly getting this one. Trailer

- Golden Sun DS: I REALLY WAITED FREAKING LONG FOR THIS ONE!! Finally, Nintendo is making a smart move again :) I loved the first 2 Golden Suns and now it`s finally coming for the DS. Who isn`t getting this one? :P Trailer

- The Legendary Starfy: Hhmmm, nah, I know that this is his Tribute in the US and Europe but it looks really childish. To happy for me. I`m passing on this one. Trailer

- Metroid: Other M: Looks nice, but I`m not into the Metroid games. The action looks sweet just like the graphics.This is a maybe...... Trailer

- The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks: I`m a big fan of the Zelda games, but this is just weird. Link in a train? I`m open for changes , but this is a very big and weird one! I like the new Items though and the controllable knight looks fun to. I just hope that this isn`t the future of Zelda games. I feel compelled to buy it because I`m a Zelda fan ,but I`m waiting for it`s release till I decide. Trailer

- Monado: Beginning of the World: The gameplay looks awesome, but the graphics are minor for this gen. The game seems to have a very free gameplay and it looks like a good RPG. I think I will buy it. Trailer

- Mario and Luigi: Bowser`s Inside Story: I`ve played the first one and it was OK. My little brothers loved the first one so they will get this one to. Than I`ll have the change to play it. The idea of the gameplay from inside Bowser is ........ kinda funny. Trailer

- Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky: Nintendo is going to far with this Pokemon game genre. The first was surprising, the second had a great story and this third one will not be better. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is done for. (I`m not getting it :P) Trailer

Other games I`m getting:

- The Sims 3 (looks great)

- Team Fortress 2 (old but fun)

I have to work a little more for the money ,but I`ll manage.

Thanks Nintendo, for these few come-backs! :D Now I can finally game again on my Wii!! :lol:

New Nes: Time to own Zelda 2

As I told in my previous blog: our Nes broke........ but we got a new one now and now I`m aware of the great games the Nes has: I`m going to play Zelda 2 again!

Most people say that this is he hardest Zelda game ever... I don`t know about that but it sertainly isn`t easy. I`m a beginner (I`ve played it when I was young but I sucked at the game back than and only played Mario Bros 3 and Kirby`s Adventure , which are very nice games to) and I`m levelling up a bit.

You`ll notice when I quit playing Zelda 2 again, because I will change my Profile Image then. :P

My first thoughts about the DSi, some news and a question.

Well, the introduction of the DSi shocked me. I really didn`t expect this! I have my DS Lite for about a year and a half now, but now a new DS is coming. I'll tell my positive and negative thoughts about the DSi so far:


- Bigger Screens

- The 2 camera`s will interact with the games and that sounds great.

- The Nintendo DS Shop will be launched which basicly is the same as the Wii Shop Channel but now on your DS.

- Better Wi-Fi posibilities like an Internet Browser (Opera DS Browser).

- The SD Slot will be used for inputting MP3 files to listen your favorite music on your DSi.

- Not to expensive :D

- Motivates Nintendo to make more new games!!


- The GBA Slot is removed.

- New DSi games which is sad for the ones who have a DS Lite and don`t want to spend money on a DSi.

I have to much positive things here......... but I don`t want to spend any more money on new consoles!! Please help me with find more negative things so I don`t have the tendency to buy one! Well, I`m not buying it before the summer vacation ,that`s for sure.

Other News:

The NES of my grandpa broke :cry: !! So I`m looking for one online, but most people ask to much for it! I keep looking for a decent deal though. After getting the NES I want to buy first the Legend of Zelda for the NES. My grandpa has the Legend of Zelda II so I want this one to add to our Zelda collection. I hope someone will offer it online! :?

And finally: a question

Is it worth it to buy the 2 GBC Zelda games (Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons)? I hear they suck from most people, but I want to hear it from a professional Zelda fan.

Thanks in advance

Please, Nintendo don`t abandon me!!!!

Microsoft is holding me in his grip!! The Xbox 360 is making his spot into my life!! They only can be stopped if Nintendo makes a come back!

I mean, the new Animal Crossing was plain fun, but it didn`t really get me....

Nintendo promised to look after it`s hardcore gamers!I know Reggie said that the Zelda and Mario appartment are working on it, but please, I also need something to still my hunger till the new Zelda and Mario games!Well, the Xbox 360 actually stills my hunger for now.....but I didn`t bought that Wii only for Mario and Brawl! A new Resident Evil for the Wii would be nice to ,you know.... Nintendo is abandoning us!!

The only thing that can stop Microsoft from taking over my love for Nintendo is ....... a Retro Nintendo game!!! God bless Ocarina of Time!! OoT here I come (again)....

P.S.: Microsoft took Banjo Kazooie from Nintendo to......maybe Microsoft really is pure evil, but I can`t stop playing on my Xbox 360! And we`ll always need Microsoft for our PC`s to! We are lost!

My thoughts about Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts

I was really refreshed by having a new Banjo Kazooie game in the first place. But when I played it, I couldn`t really say what to think about the game.

But here are my thoughts about the game so far:

-I like it that they kept sertain elements in the game.Like the way they talked, it`s the same in this game especially Gruntilda`s voice. Some soundtracks from the earlier games are used to. Also many characters from the earlier games are back in this game.

- The Jinjo challenges are fun. It`s good that you don`t have to just get them by touching them anymore.

- But I don`t know how to think about the cars,planes and boats. It doesn`t fit into the Banjo Kazooie style, but on the other hand ,building those vehicles is plane fun and riding them is to.

- I`m not at the end of the game yet, but I`ve heard that the game isn`t that long. You seem to be able to get all the Jiggies in just 30 hours of gameplay.

So that are my thoughts so far. I`ll write a review later.

See Ya!

Active again!!

I`ve been gone for a while, but I`m back now!

In the time I was gone I did the following:

- Study! (espacially this)

- Bought Banjo Kazooie Nutz & Bolts and played it

- Played Fable 2

I`m about to write a review about Fable 2 tomorrow, but I`ll need to play Banjo and Kazooie some more before I can write a review about it.

Sorry I missed some Union actions!!:P

Fable 2 next week at my place!

I`m getting Fable 2 next week! Finally. It took some time but I hope i was worth it. Think Fable 2 on HD is pretty sweet. I really liked Fable 1 and the opinions about Fable 2 were mixed. Some say Fable 1 was better.... but others say that ths is the best XBOX 360 game ever. That last is a bit overreactive because I personally think Gears of Wars and GTA 4 are pretty good to.

But after all the Xbox 360 fun I just can`t stop thinking about Nintendo. Brawl and Galaxy are just begging me to play so I just play both Wii and Xbox 360 at the moment (not at the same time!!). 

I will review Fable 2 when I`ve played it for some days.

See Ya!!

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