Why even make such an absurdly large list? It seems like outside maybe the top 50, ranking of games would become arbitrary.
David719's forum posts
Russia was never really a big player in the Fallout series, so I don't see a reason to have a game based around it. As others have said, China makes more sense setting wise. Even then it could be argued that setting Fallout, a series known for cold war era jingoism and propaganda, anywhere but the US kind of misses the point. Still, it could be interesting to see regardless.
Galaxy 2 by a pretty big margin.
To be honest, I wasn't really fond of the direction they were taking it. Adding in RPG elements à la System Shock 2 when the original had little to no RPG elements to speak of.
I remember hearing former Eurocom team members were also involved.
Can't find where I read that though.
Wow. Probably something that I won’t get into, although you never know, but I really have to hand it to Nintendo that this is an amazingly creative application for the Switch. I did get a chuckle though that this is coming out on the 20th of April for well, reasons. :P
Hitler's Birthday is no laughing matter son.
Shit's gonna be amazing
I fucking love Demon's Souls, But Ninja Gaiden Black is one on the GOAT.
Operation Mega Drive was my shit.
Looking forward to this one.
I'm actually excited to play a Sonic game.
Never thought I'd get a chance to say that again.
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