DavidToolMusic's forum posts
Yesterday i noticed i was losing myconnection to xbox live every once in a while when playing single player games, usually my conection would hold all day until 1 am when it turns of and then goes straight back on. Today i switched on the xbox to find it won't connect at all using the wireless adapter. I tried testing the connection of the adapter,and other cables on the xbox and the light on the adapter remains in red instead of green or orange. I am wondering it the connecter is broken. I have had it about a year, this is my second xbox 360 and it seems if the hardware on these things are not breaking down its the software.
Anyway you will probably say contact the non-english speaking helpteam at xbox support, that i might have to do. I am just like the rest of people who have had problem after problem with the 360 and am getting tired of it. My friends xbox 360 packed in yesterday, he has had it for the same time i had my first. they told him it will only take a few days to fix, mines took 5 weeks.
I like this game but find that it is sometimes very hard to win if you don't get ahead start. I can beat 4 of the other cars but seam to be chasing one and end up settling for second best. I have one 28/30 points on some of the modes. Whats the best way to turn the sharp corners, i was using the handbrake but it seams to slow you down, then i tried the break - again i am still lagging behind - then i tried to let go of the pedal at corners but there seams to be something im doing wrong.
Also i noticed you can get abit of a boost start - other times your car wont start right if you put to much revs up.
The game is really great, online and off. I was wondering if playing co-op on legendary will give you the achievement points. Would it work if you complete some missons offline alone and some online with friends. I wasn't sure if you have to play through the game alone on a given difficulty level or if you can achieve legendary by playing a combination of online play and offline play through the story mode.
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