Would someone mind making me a sig with both Jim Morrison and Kurt Kobain in it? Thanks in advance. I don't have any particular pictures in mind.M13L13SHear ya are man. What do ya think?
THE ANSWER TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS (Transfer cable or just a usb)Amazing what a simple google search can do.
I also grew up with pokemon. I loved it. But after the original 150, pokemon got stupid, really stupid.
I HAVE USED THIS ONE AND IT WORKS"Crap. Something is wrong with my cell phone. {Oh Really. What is that?} Its just that...your numbers not in it."
So what do you guys think of my new avy and sig?EDIT: Aw, I'll have to get a new one. Can't believe resizing my own image is "Hotlinking".lordreavenWhat did you want re-sized? Ill do it for ya.Got tired of Saul avy and RV sig. So now I have a Jesse avy and a Jesse sig.Razor-LazorI like the new sig (breaking Bad is a awsome show). Avy's not bad too.Could someone make a sig of Raiden from Mortal Kombat wearing a sombrero instead of his usual hat thing? MaddenBowler10I kept it very basic. Because I figured its supposed to be funny and not serious. What do you think?
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