@Ohaidere: " I'm willing to bet you can't get the consistent stability and performance of the PS5 pro on a $700 computer."
You sound like a horrible gambler.
"Lay users of consoles don't want to deal with PC nonsense", speak for yourself, most of those "lay users" are intimidated by PCs because of people like them referring to them as such. There's no reason to spend $700 on a PS5 Pro lmao, this generation is actually defeating the purpose of consoles altogether. At least the PS4 pro upscaled, this is just so the games don't run as crappily as they currently due? Insulting to the consumer base.
@bdrtfm: Yea, I love Half Life, but not enough to buy VR hardware for. Definitely a slap in the face, when was Episode 2? 2007? After all that time, you give the fans a game most can't play.
@Ohaidere: Yea, he was being nice, I'll not sugarcoat it. You're strapping a screen to your eyes, PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO DO THAT. You're a four eyed ****, your eyes don't need the strain, telling people "the motion sickness goes away eventually" is just saying "I will actively play video games that make me nauseous". Again, PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO DO THAT. I think the shit's cool as hell too, but really, it's niche.
@m4a5: "It never felt like it was made for the average gamer, but for a small minority of (toxic) people who are trying to control what gaming should be.", seeing so many people apply this logic to this game like Overwatch and Apex doesn't exist is hilarious. Toxic isn't a projection at all lol. Just indulge me, who are you talking about when you say "You people"?
@CIA_BOSS: Just say you hate minorites and gay people lol. These modern gamers don't exist, but the gamers who hate those "modern gamers" definitely do. The dog whistle's strong here.
This game had HORRIBLE marketing lmao. Saw a gameplay video for the first time today, reminds me of when I was seeing Battleborn ads where I lived. Hadn't seen a video of that either, but at least it's a game I heard of without word of mouth, marketing for this game was just cheap or lazy. Costing money while being totally generic ass didn't help, but I'd place more blame on people just having no idea it even exists.
@simonthekid7: "Of course, Schreier does not even name anyone so it is sort of an anonymous strawman he builds. It is very hard to oppose what he says when he does not say anyone in perticular said such things, just "annoying people"."
"And also, does not Schreier have another take on the matter than the cheap "woke" take?"
I feel like he's talking about YOU specifically, I could be wrong.
@fingle: "The only humor allowed is this strange insecure and inane babble", that's just not true, but that is the kind of humor that rakes in money. For every person like you that thinks Borderlands isn't funny (I fucking hate Tiny Tina honestly), there are multitudes who find that series to be HONESTLY funny. Humor in of itself is subjective, who am I to tell someone that Borderlands ISN'T funny? (But it isn't and that's a hill I'd die on any day of the week lol)
Dawg9000's comments