Just Skim Read the leaflet it never says the Views you have to take Bold quotes from it
"The idea that homosexuality is a mental
disorder or that the emergence of same-sex
attraction and orientation among some
adolescents is in any way abnormal or
mentally unhealthy has no support among
any mainstream health and mental health
professional organizations."
Another one for you:
The American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Counseling Association, the
American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, the
American School Counselor Association, the National Association of School
Psychologists, and the National Association of SocialWorkers, together
representing more than 480,000 mental health professionals, have all taken the
position that homosexuality is not a mental disorder and thus is not something
that needs to or can be "cured."
I hereby pronounce ye to be a TROLL
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