DazKurupt's comments

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Edited By DazKurupt

nikefreak "all this things will come in the future. so and the "fix web Browsing and media managment" what ? does the xbox 360 or wii have this ... no,,,,,," But if you are going to put something in your "top of the line" console, shouldnt it work right/well? "The reason the PS3 is more expencive is because of better hardware and features. " Better? ... Hardware is about equivalent, except a few useless things thrown in that you cant opt out of , where with the 360 you can add them in if you want. Thats what I call choice. Ridiculous....Your saying a dvd drive is =to a blu ray drive....60 gig hdd vs 10 gig hdd etc....cmon

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Edited By DazKurupt

"Uh nikefreak......im talking about this gen. Im not gona list all the games im waiting for. Just cause 360 had a headstart you think that way. The ps3 still has more liscences, and developers . More devs =More games in the end." I dont think you get the point. How many games are out for the PS3? How many for the 360? More on the 360, I know. Now, How many a year from now? ... The 360 and PS3 will BOTH be getting more games, so the scales will likely still stay tipped in Microsofts favor, as they already have a head start. Now, which console do you pick? Usually the one with the most, and best games. So far, that is also in Microsofts court. So no, I dont see what you mean. You act like im trying to say who is going to have more titles , I am saying you will miss out on alot of titles if you do not have a ps3 is my point. Sony also has more developers making games for it then ms and they have more first party studios then ms. So .....its common sense that if you dont get a ps3 you will miss out on some killer games.

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Edited By DazKurupt

TrueIori DazKurupt ps3 will have more mature games then 360 or wii as the years progress. So not owning a ps3 = You missing out on alot of killer games. not the smartest comment ever made. Im not a genius . True but my game collection and future games reflect this.

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Edited By DazKurupt

Uh nikefreak......im talking about this gen. Im not gona list all the games im waiting for. Just cause 360 had a headstart you think that way. The ps3 still has more liscences, and developers . More devs =More games in the end.

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Edited By DazKurupt

ps3 will have more mature games then 360 or wii as the years progress. So not owning a ps3 = You missing out on alot of killer games. Thats the only reason a gamer needs to eventually pick one up. Truth is sony consoles have game :D

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Edited By DazKurupt

The very title of this article is garbo... ps3 is already worth buying people have already bought them and continue to do so......

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Edited By DazKurupt

DazKurupt wrote: "ps3 is lined up to own the gaming market for 10 years ! So you gota be patient , in the end ps3 will be still alive and kicking when ms and nintendo are introducing some new consoles 4 years from now. At that point ps3 will be attractively priced at 149.00 or 199.00." x505 wrote: Okay, you know what the problem with that (unlikely) strategy is? 10 years is just way too long of a period to go through without revisions. I'd give it five or six years as usual. Oh, btw, it'll never drop to $250. Hell, I'd buy it if it had a sub-$300 price tag, but it'll never happen. I'm betting it'll cost $400 four years from now. Now if I could just find a Wii...(-_-') DazKurupt wrote: Actually that is there stated strategy , so it is likely the ps3s lifecycle will last 10 years. the 149.00 199.00 price is my exageration though.I honestly have no idea what its price will be in 4 years. It is possible though. Only thing that will make me buy a wii is a killer star wars jedi game with first person lightsaber battles online. Never say ...Never.

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Edited By DazKurupt

Resident evil 5 , ff vs/ff13 , heavenly sword, dmc 4, mgs, Thats more then enough games to get me to snatch one up. Those arent even counting any future first party games sony may redo like killzone, Gran turismo etc. Some people are just impatient and thats understandable. The ps3 has 2 things in it that will make you envious of ps3 owners when they are utilized in future ps3 games. Blu ray Cell yes , you all know and alot of ya think they are moot at this point , but really these games out now havnt touched on what the ps3 is capable of. Ps3 will have plenty of exclusives in the years to come simply because it has the power. It already has a large enough install base considering its selling better then the ps2 did at this point in its generation. MS and Nintendo are still trying to catch up from last generation, when ps2 put em in there place. ps3 is lined up to own the gaming market for 10 years ! So you gota be patient , in the end ps3 will be still alive and kicking when ms and nintendo are introducing some new consoles 4 years from now. At that point ps3 will be attractively priced at 149.00 or 199.00.

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Edited By DazKurupt

Standardize Online Features for Multiplayer Games = the main thing that needs work. Other then that just help folks crank out some killer games and its all good. Buy a bunch of development software liscenses, compile it all in one nice Sony ps3 development tools suite vers. 1.0 and ship it to the developers whom have a dev kit or any devs who need one can buy it . I already think its worthy of purchase though , I just waiting for the must have titles to come out then its all mines.