Congratulations. We lost the war. Thanks to everyone who bought all that damn VC in NBA2k"whatevernxtyearis", who bougth gold in GTAV Online, Who bought CoD and said man i want that "whateverthebestweaponisthisweek" and bought 30 weapon packs, to Micro$oft for encouraging Devs to put Micro transactions in game by them putting them in Every 1st party game they released in 2 years cause everyone knows there is no way to make Halo 5 better than with Paid RNG.
P.S. Some people just want to the see the World burn.....
@roycruz: Bruh you gonna compare Ps4 launch titles meta scores to recent Xbox one games? desperate to find positive facts i guess. how about comparing this years exclusives
Thank you Mr.House for bringing us the PS we fell in love with many years ago. You guys lost your way in 2005-2008 but now you guys are back making great games and great platforms. Goodluck!
they fact that this game will launch with "only" one Review and its almost perfect score is troubling at best. Horizon and others got reviewed a week ahead of launch. the game lacks fluidity and emotion, it has almost no character, playing solo is point less and im pretty sure there are microtransactions.
Dcyple3000's comments