So what did they increase price of the Season pass for? they announced 3 DLC's before they did that. and we still only get 3 DLC's and they are Bland DLC's at that. I've seen better DLC's from the mod community and i think thats what Bethesda wants to happen. but if you base game is meh then the mods are gonna be as well. Thats why they remastered Skyrim, less work and the community did everything.
Bad Idea. XBox fanbase won't support the game to pay for the MK IP to be exclusive. Xbox is already broke into 4 bases"Xb360, OG XbOne, XbOneS, W10". also MK crossovers tend to be terrible.
Anyone remember how bad Skyrim was on PS3? it took them a year just to release the DLC's for Playstation gamers. you would think since PS having the better console versions of games, that Bethesda would figured this shit out already.
@baral-o: if any thing, that version has the PSVR processor built in and maybe bundled with the PSVR headset. i am pretty sure it will be announced at GamesCon 2016 and it will be released like a week before black friday.
i Have said this for months. Playstation 4 "Neo" is just the Slim PS4 they do with every console gen. Playstation 2 became a PS2 Slim and it had a updated DVD drive and better USB ports. all the games ran the same. the Playstation 3 in to the PS3 Slim with the upgraded memory and USB Upgrades. games played the same. now we have the Playstation 4 turning into the PS4 Slim with Updated memory, usb 3.0, and 4K HDMI output. mark my words guys. Xbox Scorpio is MS way of saying they lost to PS4 and they will not lose to the NX, cause Zelda is going to sale that console alone.
@TheZeroPercent: its not even the speed its just a increase in total power. the speed stays the same just more force behind its like if a Ferrari and a GTO was going 80mph the speed is the same but the engine has more Horses.
all those cores just for Oculus Rift is insane. why not just scrap this gen and go New Next Gen head to head with the NX. instead they go half ass in with mid grade. "all Xbox One accessories will work on Scorpio" Lol the Kinect can't even "connect" to the X1S without having to buy a $50 accessory. and it won't even fix the Processoring power of the Xbox One just increase its total computation. cant wait to see how they gonna try to sale us a system worth $400 again when many didn't but the 1st one.
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