what aint this the Fable Moba they showed at E315? damn and i just signed up for the beta test. What is going on at MS. seems like their very future is out of balance
Man when did XBox get so many self conscious cry baby fans that any time someone says anything other than "fk me Xbox" is PS4 fanboy hate.
Didn't these radical learn from that CrapGamer on Twitter Phil won't put up with you guys anymore. grow the fk up and play games not be soldiers in a bs console war that Xbox is clearly losing but winning at the same time. both console have weaknesses but guess what? most people don't care.
god dammit why gears? i never got on the halo train. Gears was that series that was bad ass. gritty, good story, great characters, and gave no fucks to any aliens. now MS has pretty much made it into a Resident Evil clone that no one wanted. and now its going to become a graphical showcase game. i thought Quantum Break/Halo 5 was doing that. way till kill all buzz for the game MS.
@LPDisturbedHU: thats BS they announced it for all platforms the first release of FF 14, But ms policy doesnt allow cross platforming with PS. the whole reason why they missed on so many other games like DCUO, PS2, and now Rocket League. how many more times do you need this to happen before you realize its ms's policy not the devs "ps4 bias".
this game went into development hell as soon as it became a Xbox/Windows10 exclusive. i have been playing the beta for about 8 months now. they were set for a PC open beta in summer 2015 then MS i believe made a deal with their funding company to make a Xbox one version. that version took primary focus, then they cut the PC testing off to focused all their resources in that version, then the PC version suffered. now they have now funding, MS is not helping and beta players are moving on. t
Smite has the least toxic fan base of all the top Mobas. LOL has the worst i have ever seen. Dota 2 is ok but the skill gap is literally like 100hrs before being able to play it with any confidence. Smite is fun and requires skill but not for when to click but its all skill shots. so it fits more towards 3rd person shooters.
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