It was hard core. Reminds me of Heat.
De_Bears' forum posts
I thought cows were supposed toplay the arrogant role.
Has anyone played it yet?
And yet not a single game worthy of discussion on system wars.
I liked the game. The plot was weak-sauce (kind of a MW2 level rip-off). But better than I thought it would be.
Do lemmings need this game to be AAA to justify 360 validity in gaming? Its still a long shot gamble calling it a AAA game. I count 7 topics in the top 20 topics on Alan Wake, I hope it doesn't disappoint your hype.
Are you aware that there was a game between Killzone and Killzone 2 that solidified the franchise? It was call Killzone Liberation on the PSP and got great reviews. This topic is nothing but a lemming two year old damage control of a brilliant game that won multiple G.O.T.Y. awards. There is no mistake in this franchise and the franchise has proved to be successful beyond just FPS.
A mistake is failure to complete a task you initiate, an accident is an unintended result to an action.
What's sad is that ps3 fans ( I don't like calling them cows) don't buy the so called system sellers in the millions like 360 fans do. I am waiting for my pre order of conviction to arrive and after that Alan Wake. These two games are what I have been looking forward to for a long time and they are not on ps3. This will be a very good year for 360 no doubt.
I've noticed this. But for some reason over time the games get sold. I think 360's fan community is in sync with the games Microsoft wantsthem to buy and Sony's loyal community isn't paying attention to people like a Major Nelson (Kevin Butler now?) or popular gaming sites. I think its because the demographics are older on PS3 than 360, but if you look at responses on gaming sites PS3 fans are pulling even with 360.
Gran Turismo 5 is the biggest game coming this year in my view.
P.S. Splinter Cell got liqour store robbed.
To all those that will complain about the games length, I'm sure they will sell you the on-disk levels as DLC in about two months. By the way the GS score stinks but so did their score for Heavy Rain.
To all those that care. This game is much better than that score. The plot is a little weak but the gameplay is solid.
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