OK, so it was my first day of work in the year 2008. So, I think it's just another normal boring work day, right? Wrong!
I arrive at work early today 5:30PM, since the boss called me to ask me to change prices and adjust some things that were wrong, especially prices like I mentioned. Since currency here in Venezuela changed (Don't know if it's for better or worse, but that's another blog lol) we needed to change the prices. We did, after that we open the restaurant, place the tables in their respective places.
A man in a Ford truck arrives to eat, he sits and eats. After like 15 minutes of sitting there eating his meal, I see 3 guys come along the sidewalk, I thought to myself ''Never seen them 'round the hood'' so I go inside, to the kitchen to fry some stuff. When I return, one of the 3 guys I just mentioned takes out a gun and points at the guy who's eating, asks him for the truck keys and his wallet AND hii expensive cellphone. The 2 other guys were already in the truck when the gun wielding dude was taking the kesy lol. OK, that's over and the 3 guys leave with truck. The man that was robbed took a cab and went home.
We continue to work, and no one was going to eat, it was around 9:30PM when I see a gang of around 5 mysterious ''kids'' and I mean kids these people weren't even 15 years old. They pass by the restaurant and stare at me and the others there. Two OTHER kids are coming to the restaurant to buy something, when I look, next thing I know that little gang is attacking the 2 kids. One dude pushed the biggest kid(Bout 13-14 years old) into a fence and his little brother was being held by ANOTHER gang member with a gun pointing his head. They search them both and surprisingly found nothing. They leave running, my mom's godson was around there and hopped into his car and chased those fools, after like 30 minutes he tells me that 4 of them went into some hideout and he ran ONE downwith his car.
I asked the two newly robbed kids what had happened and he told me they didn't nothing harmfull(Thank God) they bought their food and left.
Events like the 2 I just experienced today NEVER happened in 2007, yet this is my first day of work in 2008 and 2, TWO robberies happened in front of my OWN eyes? This country keeps getting worse and worse daily.
THIS is the kind of country I'm living in. A country full of insecurity, selfishness and corruption.
Yet many people here and outthere think we're living in heaven. BS if you ask me.
Thank God this year I'm out of this dump and will only come back in the Holidays because of family and stuff.
Well, that was MY first great night at work this year, and it's just gonna get worse.
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