@zimeron1 Isn't that just a rumour right now?And we all know to never believe any rumour around Valve to be fact until they come right out and say it. Otherwise most of the time it’s just flat out wrong.
Now that Dons gone can you please go back on this too and take that stupid thing out!?It will lower the price and you will finally be on level ground with Sony you morons!
@soulfulDAGGER And let’s face it no one buys Far Cry for the multiplayer.But if they put that in a FPS with a huge multiplayer audience, it would just be brilliant.Sadly all anyone has is...Halo Forge mode. A real pain in the ass map editor.
@soulfulDAGGER Now that is a spectacular idea. Bring in a Map Builder as easy as those in Far Cry and well cha ching!
@nickpeck36 I don't know the BF4 graphics looked pretty stellar. But we all know or at least most of us know that that's not the reason it won't sell COD numbers.It’s because they’re not doing anything COD isn’t.
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