get some high quality whey protein powder,never ever evereat carbs at night and eat veryfew carbsgenerally(minimize them, 50-80 grams a day of complex FIBER carbs, not simple sugars), Remember eating too much fat does'nt make you fat, overeating calorie wise does, its just that a gram of fat has more calories than a gram of protein/carbs. Eat turkey or lean chicken when you're hungry, drink fish oil and flaxseed gel caps. have plenty of water also, 4-6 ounces. 3,500 calories burned is equal to one pound of body fat, so if you decrease 500 calories a day for a week from what you're daily caloric needs are, you'll lose a pound a week. Oh, and im sorry, no more beer, only like once in a blue moon.
Ok, now for excercise. every pound of lean muscle you gain means you're body burns an extra 50 calories a day for doing absolutely nothing. In other words, you're basal metabolic rate increases by 50 calories for ever pound of lean muscle tissue gained. Oh, and just so you know, most calories you're body burns are actually used for you're heart, lungs and other organs. So my point is, hit the weights, if you don't want to get too big, do higher repititions of lower weights. for example, instead of bicep curling 60 pounds 5 times, curl 15 pounds 25 times and you'll get toned instead of bigand melt the body fat right off. On top of the weights, do a variety of short, high intensity excercises like sprinting or boxing. Long running is efective too but research shows that interval training is more effective at burning fat.
Go to bodybuilding.com for anymore questions. Theres a lot of useful stuff there. I hope it was all helpful and feel free to mssge me for any other questions.
Thanks thats useful information
Ill bookmark this.
ahh no problem, I'm going for the six pack thing myself. Sooo close-___- 10.5% bdy fat and I need like 9 for a six pack.
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