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Deanna_T Blog

new emblem..and its history

Well y'all, the beast you see to the right is actully a very, very, very x5, distant relative of the modern whale. Yes, MODERN whale. What is this amazing creatures name? Andrewsarchus. Yes, the Andrewsarchus. A wolf like animal about 12 ft at the shoulder, with hoofs & lived in Mongolia. Wait..theres more. :)
Andrewsarchus mongoliensis was the largest member of the mesonychids, a group of extinct prehistoric mammals. The mesonychids were the only known group of ungulates to become carnivorous, and looked rather like wolves with hooves. Andrewsarchus ("Andrews's ruler") was named for the famous explorer and fossil hunter Roy Chapman Andrews, who led the expedition on which it was discovered. Andrewsarchus is known only from an enormous skull and pieces of bone, but the skull's similiarity to that of smaller mesonychids suggests that Andrewsarchus had the same wolf-like body on a larger scale. It was probably about 4-5 metres long, standing nearly 2 metres at the shoulder, making it the largest terrestrial carnivorous mammal that has ever existed. Whale part: The fossils of the group most closely related to Andrewsarchus are usually found singly, and around water, and this attachment to water became greatly exaggerated in one group of its relatives which eventually became entirely marine - the whales. It is thought that they were solitary animals. Andrewsarchus lived 60-32 million years ago, in the Eocene era. Since Andrewsarchus evolved not long after the Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction Event, it is somewhat of a mystery as to what Andrewsarchus ate. It obviously ate large animals, though the fossil record of potential prey from the Paleocene and early Eocene is scant. In the period after the non-avian dinosaurs went extinct there were at first no large land mammals, no whales, and no dedicated dry-land predators of any size. But the extinction opened up ecological niches and caused a burst of evolution to occur. Very soon large land mammals evolved, carnivorous birds such as Gastornis/Diatryma, and even crocodiles adapted for a running existence evolved. These all may have been potential prey. To judge from its immense jaws, and the coastal location of the fossils, Andrewsarchus may have fed on beached primitive whales, shellfish and hard-shelled turtles at various periods during its existence. Also toward the end of the Eocene very large mammals had evolved in the region of Central Asia. Andrewsarchus possessed some of the strongest jaws that ever evolved in a land animal, able to bite through large bones if needed. However, most very large specialized land predators in the history of the Earth have required the availbility of similarly large prey, making them vulnerable as individuals to environmental change and starvation. This last process has caused many such animals to be eventually replaced by other forms that had a less restrictive diet. Giant specialized land predators would then evolve all over again, eventually be replaced, and the process would repeat itself. Andrewsarchus apparently had a successful run as a species, but eventually became extinct, almost certainly because of its dietary requirements. Andrewsarchus also, like other early Cenozoic predators, faced increasing competition from the Miacids and their decendants, modern carnivorous mammals (Carnivora). Andrewsarchus and related predatory mammals lived in the Northern Hemisphere alongside with the creodonts and earliest modern carnivores, also with giant terrestrial predatory birds such as Diatryma. Isolated Southern Hemisphere areas such as Australia and South America evolved their own totally separate lines of predatory land animals, including lines of flightless giant birds and marsupials such as the Australian Thylacoleo, a "marsupial lion," by the process of convergent evolution. Image hosted by Awwwww..don't you just want to pet him? souce: visit it..its a really good website... hope u enjoyed it!

el blog de hoy....

Hi Everyone! Let me tell you about my day. It was crazy day and by golly, i think i'm getting tierd. Last night i went to sleep @ 1 am then awoke around 8 and started cleaning..I scrubbed the bathroom floor, and cleaned the walls..needless to say it got my blood pumping and i kept going and going. then i logged on for a little bit then realized i was running late for work! no there early..i made sandwitches all day long...i dont know how many, but mustard, lettuce, meat..lalallalalala. then i dont know wht time i got out, i went for a walk around the strip mall where my "work" is located. my mom kept calling and calling, blah blah blah. to make a long story short, i drove with loud music, and came home. last part we went to some ghetto store to by curtains, the music was screaming loud & just AWEFUL. i was screaming inside and begging to get out. blah, blah, blah, we left now im home. :) So how was your day? -end transmission-

uh oh...

i have this strange urge, an unstoppable feeling..kinda like going into wrap drive w/hardly any hull plateing (how ever u spell it)...*gasp* i have an urge..yes an urge to watch star trek, & more star trek..i can't wait for tomarrow, nor wait for late nite Enterprise reruns..ARRG! i don't know why its happening again..i spent the entire weekend watchin season 3 of ENT, and all it did was put me into a bad mood. why? i suffered emotional distress when ENT was murdered, only at a tender season 4. now i want more..crazy, i can't wait to go back to work tomarrow and occupy my self making SANDWITCHES! plz let it the 6th already..i need stargate: atlantis to get me outa this. arrggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. iam going for a walk, while there is still light out there. :)

talk show host? random blog....plz enjoy

I feel just like jay leno complete with the freakishly huge moon chin, and the pigeon wig he excuse he calls hair... Now lets get started. Tonite on Jay Leno we have some sorry excuse for guests, namly a broken down toilet, a laxative, and the band--moldy toe. *change the channel* & that my friends is my interpretation of Jay Leno a monkey man and that chin. CNN On other news, King Kong escapes and pukes on a light house, the Enterprise D finally came back for Deanna Troi *cough me*, and beef meatballs and pineapple upsidedown cake are the offical foods of the universe. Click Tonight on Oprah...Dr. Phil introduces his anti-oprah keep that pesky woman at more then arms length. Don't worry..its smells like peas and carrots and oprah won't come to steal your fridge away. :) Shut off tv -end transmission-

its up!!!!!!


last one for tonite...

finally, star gate: atlantis is coming back on the 6th, so i can distract my self from all the star trek i've have been feasting on. namly, enterprise...non stop dvds, and reruns of it on cable. to much? heck yes... but hey when your boared, your board. luckly, i have a job now as a distraction. :)

school & finals...*look here*

As some of you might know, i'm a college freshman at some local community college. Last week was a odd, yet stressing week. I had a 4 day weekend & a 3 day week :). Pleasure, but no. I had a powerpoint for a final exam for my Into to Computing class (COSC 1300). Needles to say, I spent all weekend on that thing. The instructions were to make on your carrer or choice. I did mine on Graphic Design (2 fav. thing in the world, behind star trek). I went all out. I used photoshop projects, i made for Design Com. Such as, movie posters, and even banners (look for mine coming soon). To make a long story short, I got an A in the class, and out did everyone else. Art I made a colorful G Gundam sound track CD. It kicked arse, and no one liked it! bas****. Math It was a test worth 200 points! :). I got a 165 and it does not matter b/c i got and A. History I know I got an A. It was a short final of 60 questions, except for 5 or 6 i did not know. the end. :)

let me begin...*keep eyes here*

This go cart injury. It was a fine and sunny, now lets be real here...HOT Saturday afternoon last week. Good enough for MOTHER to visit a local hardware store (name not important). As, I was strolling along the wonderful colorful (blinding) so-called ailes, reeking of paint and tile, a shiny glowing light (much like burning gundam's red lights)blasted my coronas with the most intoxicating red glow, I have ever witnessed. Standing there was a off road racer go cart. Its thick tires graced the white floor, the display reflecting light, the thick pure leather seat, the oily steering wheel, the adjustable seat belt and with all its might, the go cart was calling my name. *Deannnaaaaaaa..Deannnaaaaa (*not using my real name), come play with me...come with me..the howling continued until i found myself gliding like a mcflurry down the throat of a hungry person. Gently, i climbed aboard the carttrying not to bump my head againt the railing. Then *BAM* a sharp pain raced though my leg. OUCH!!!!!!, g-****!. The cart was blocked off with some boxes. I slid while climbing into the cart, and scratching my leg against a metal thing! Dang, did that thing hurt. My left leg was injured with to small cuts, and my leg hurt for a while. I am better now, its healing and my leg no longer hurts, I'll live. :) -end transmission-

well i'm here...

well i should probably explain myself for not being here...well no. duties aboard beckoned for my attention and thus leaving behind this social hub of inter-activity that is & my zoo of a world-my profile :). THIS IS THE TRIUMPHANT RETURN OF DEANNA T! oh..there is plenty of tales of woe, school, and yonder to report about..SO POST @ EVERY ONE OF MY NEW BLOGS!!!!!!! or else the Romulans might come and well.. you don't want that. :P jk. -end transmission-