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DeathByControl Blog

I've come to a finnal decision...

The ultimate decision: 360, PS3, or Wii? Well my friends, I've come to my decision, after writing down a quick Pros/Cons list, I've chosen the Wii. It had the longest Pros list, and the shortest Cons list. I wanted to keep my GC games, and with a Wii I can. I can also unlock everything in RE4 by playing it in a Wii (or so I've heard). I also wanted free Wi-Fi, so that I can play an online console game for the first time in my own home. The PS3 had MGS4 and good graphics, and that was pretty much it. The 360 was good, but most of the Pros revolve around exclusives. It's good to have exclusives, but not too many. The only true problem with the Wii is the fact that the controler (nunchuck & wiimote) costs a full $60! I might even be able to have fun parties(maybe)!

So, if my luck holds out, my mom'll buy me a Wii! Thank you Gamespot! Goodnight!

Action Replay- RE4 Rant

does anybody know where i can get a action replay? i want to fool around on RE4:P i want to just Ebay as a last resort, so does anyone know a good website or something?

what i want to do, is get the codes for infinite ammo, infinite health, and mixing weapons. i saw this video on youtube (dont havea link, sorry) that had someone, in story mode, playing as Wesker, with a rocket launcher that fired like a TMP:lol: that would be really good with a shotgun, think about it, never having to reload, the power of a shotgun, the firing speed of a TMP:P

BOOMBOOMBOOMBOOMBOOMBOOM!!! *regenerator explodes* hehehe... hooah:lol:

speaking of regenerators, theres a quick trick to killing them. use the shotgun, blow off their head, arms, then blow off their legs at a distance. theyll explode. u dont even need to have a rifle:D also saw that on youtube(still no link) but then theres always the rocket launcher:P

u can kill Verdugo by shooting him with the Broken Butterfly whenever u can if u run out of nitrogen tanks. u can actually kill it with anything, but the BB, RL, IRL, CT, and HC are the best ways to kill it. im gonna try and get the CT first, that way i can get enough money for the IRL, then enough for the HC, since you have to upgrade it urself. im just doin what i always do, look into the future:P see ya till next time!

Two Good Things!

good thing 1) i just got Pokemon Pearl! its teh awsomeness:P

good thing 2) i can get Wi-fi now! my friend codes 4983-2045-5715:D

if u wanna battle (i wouldnt recommend it though, since my strongest Pokemons a level 12 Turtwig, ive only had it for 3 hours, so give me some slack:P), trade, or chat, just pm me;)

thanks for reading:D

I think I'm learning GIMP

ive been trying to understand this designers program called GIMP, but it was always to confusing to me. i could only make very simple pictures(like my banner). i got bored today, so i went over to the Designer Central Unions board, and found a GIMP tutorial thread. i looked through it, and learned how to make animated sigs! its my name, it starts out with DeathByControl, then says Death, By, Control, and then starts over again. instead of rattlin on, how bout i just show it to u?

sadly, theres something wrong with it and it doesnt work right:lol:. but it did work before:P

maybe i could fix it and post it in another blog:D

IN OTHER NEWS: i broke my leg trying to do a backflip onto a trampoline. i climbed up on top of my house, turned my back toward the trampoline, then jumped and did a backflip. if only i had made it onto the trampoline. it doesnt hurt anymore. but it sure did before i got to the hospital. i was crying out, "OMG!!! MY LEGGGGGG!!! CANT U JUST CUT IT OFF?!?!" i was about half serious to:lol:. well, so far my summers been good, other than breaking my leg, and falling out of a tree, and getting bit by a snake. huh, guess my summer sucked after all:P. well, see ya later and have a good life:)

OMG, how could I miss this?!?!

I've been a gamespot member for 1 yr and 17 days:o! I cant belive that I could forget something like that! I feel stupid... but I cant say that Ive been on gamespot for less than a year now:D. I feel happy too!:P

Resident Evil 4!!!

I has finally come in!!! I now have RE4!!! And it scared me silly:lol:.

I was in the place with the shotgun, and I pushed down this ladder upstairs, turned around, and that chainsaw guy was right beside me! I watched a few ppl fall down off the ladder (:lol: ), saw chainsaw guy(:shock: ), then died(:cry: ). lol, im a happy boy.

I might not be on for a while

I might not be on gamespot for a while since I'll be busy writing my book, but dont worry, I'll be back soon;)

I'll stop writing and come back every now and then, but if i dont post for a day or 2, ull know where i went

ALSO- why does it seem that nobody looks at my blog anymore? gamespot says that i havent had a look at my profile in 2 days! i dont think its telling the truth:P. and im still sad about the RE4 thing... woe is me!:cry:

Eyes of the Storm

ive been writing a book for some time now, it was origonally for school, but since schools over ill just write for fun:P. id just like to know it u like it:D

*WARNING* this story will probably SUCK!!! remember that im not even a teenager yet:P

Eyes of the Storm

A twelve year long war rages between the planets of Alvedoria and Devoritaria, two planets of the Sevedi system. The origin of the war is currently unkown, but it seems to revolve around the commanders of the two planet's armys. The Alvedorian commander is Gasgalia Valuse, a man with a past as obscured as his present. The Devoritarian commander is Alundia Vasculu, a very couragous man who is cappable of incredible feats. The link between them is also unknown.

Six years before the present day, a soldier was wounded durring battle. His name is Corpral Zukka Uchivara. His family was killed shortly after his wound. He lost his wife, daughter, son, and other daughter. They were killed by a group of professional assassins. Uchivara never went back to war. The commander thought that it was because of the emotional stress of losing his family.

It wasnt. He was really rasing his youngest son, Kraig. He trained him in basic hand-to-hand combat, swordplay, and sharpshooting. Kraig grew into a very talented young man. When he turned 14, he was able to join the war. He couldnt wait. Kraig wanted to follow in his fathers foot steps.

Kraig'slife was easy, even though he never met his mother or siblings. He was only two when they died. He wont have a good time in the war. He will go through pain, suffering, sadness, love, happiness, and anger. He knows what must be done, just not all that must be done.

He is the one, the one with the Eyes of the Storm.


that would probably be a good opening sequence, but what do u think of the story layout? i just want opinions, but i made sure that i didnt put in spoilers:P. yup book spoilers:lol:. never heard that before. but really, what do ya think?

Something bad happened, but it was made up with something good!

Remember that PS2 that i barrowed from my girlfriend? that had RE4 with it? well, RE4 doesnt work right. i never even got to play it:cry:. i was to wrapped up in Shinobi to play it, and when i got to... it didnt work. i was feeling disappointed until...

...i got on ebay and bought it for GC for only $19! whats even better, is that its coming from Pennsylvania! thats not to far from where i live! i should get it in about 3-4 days! i love it when things always get better:D

in other news: well, there is no other news! i just like to say that:P