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DeathHeart95 Blog

God I'm bored

I am bored. My friends are on vacation, I'm not getting any better at guitar so I'm stuck playing East Jesus Nowhere (YouTube it if you haven't heard of it) over and over again, and my brother is playing Harvest Moon 24/7 so I can't play Overlord 2 which I just got. Overlord is really fun, excluding one extremely boring part where you had to sail around and find keys to open a door. Although you did send baby seals into a minefield which exploded and killed an elf which could as well been the president of PETA. That was good. But yeah, the camera is annoying, but it is just plain FUN, which is what games should be in the first place. I got a guitar by the way. I should probably be practicing right now, but I have to babysit my brother and sister, and I don't want to hear them complain when I bring my guitar downstairs and start playing. I have learned all of two and a half songs so far (Smells like Teen Spirit, East Jesus Nowhere, and half of Welcome to Paradise), so it's starting to get repetitive. I would write songs, but I don't know scales or music theory at all yet, so I can't write a half decent song. One of my friends also plays guitar, but he's already in a band with two guitarists, which is pretty much the most you can have unless you're Lynard Skynard or Slipknot. I still suck anyway. Guitar is a lot more challenging than saxophone though, and I still don't seem to have the hang of strumming the correct strings on a consistent basis. Comes with time I suppose. Actually, I also have Lost Planet now, but my computer can barely run it, even though it has most of the "recommended" system requirements. Also, the game won't let me play online yet, do I have to beat the game first or something? Whenever I click on online play the game just gives me a beeping noise and nothing happens. I mean, the single-player is okay, but I want to play online! The whole T-ENG thing is kind of annoying, as it feels like I'm rushed, even when I have over 1500 T-ENG. Not to mention that I often have to run out of cover to get the T-ENG, and ironically take damage, and lose T-ENG. T-ENG is a stupid name anyway, why can't they call it, I don't know... ENERGY? Although I like the fact that you have to hit the Akrid's weak spot to kill them, it adds an extra element of strategy. Basically, the game is meh so far, but I'll play on and see where it goes. By the way, I've been a GameSpot member for 1 year over two weeks ago. Didn't even notice. =P See you guys later.

Kingdom Hearts II

I just beat this game today, because I wanted to catch up in the story for the release of 358/2 Days later this year. It was a great game, but I seemed to love it for its story more than the actual gameplay. Don't get me wrong, the gameplay was good, but the story is probably one of my favorites in a video game ever. Much better than the first one in my opinion. The addition of the Organization added a whole layer to the story, as well as Roxas' story (trust me, these aren't spoilers, because you start to learn about them within the first hour). My only beef with the Organization is that you never hear from the leaders of the Heartless after the first half of the game, until the VERY end. Even then, they leave you hanging with what exactly happens with them. However, there were some FANTASTIC twists that I only saw coming because I accidentally spoiled the game reading an article about 358/2 Days... *If you want to discuss the twists in the plot, do so in the comments. So as a warning for the ones who haven't beaten it yet, there will be spoilers.* Anyway, this series is still one of my favorites. The first game is the first one I really liked as a little kid (like 8 ), so this series holds a special place in my heart, as Super Mario Bros. or Final Fantasy might for some of you. Every time I play a Kingdom Hearts game I get this nostalgic feeling, a feeling which is only matched by the Pokemon games. If KHIII ends up on the PS3 exclusively I will be pissed, to say the least. However, hopefully the fact that FFXIII is on both the 360 and the PS3 is a good sign. Hope you all have a great Summer.

Random stuff

I haven't wrote a blog in a while, and I'm kind of in the mood to write one. So here goes. Well, I finally beat Lost Odyssey. I beat nearly all optional bosses as well, and this includes the Temple of Enlightenment. Difficult but fun. Also, the ending is really damn good. I won't spoil anything, but it is REALLY good. At least I thought so. Also, I'm one mission away from officially beating Halo 3 on Legendary (even if most of it was on co-op...). Despite what you may think, the mission I need to beat is not Cortana. I got a good group of guys together and we ran through that one fairly quickly. Nope, I just need Halo. I'll get a friend or something to beat it with, one of my real life friends is playing through the campaign on Legendary right now anyway, I'll probably co-op with him. Yeah, I co-op a lot. In fact, the only mission I beat by myself on Legendary was Floodgate, which is arguably the easiest mission in the campaign. EDIT: Now beaten. By the way, did any of you hear the news about the E74 warranties? E74 errors have been on the rise since the NXE update, so they extended the warranty for these errors to three years. If anyone had to pay for the repairs for this error, they will pay the person back. This is the error I got when my Xbox broke, so I'm pleased. Not much else to talk about. Hope you all had a pleasant Easter.

Halo Legendary Co-op

Hey, I've been playing Halo for a while now and want to play through on Legendary. I know I won't be able to play by myself (I suck, put frankly), so I need some people to play co-op with me.

All of my "Halo Buddies" don't do co-op, only Social Slayer. Although we win 90% of the time, it can get boring after a while, and I still need that Legendary achievement. So if you're interested, send me a message on Xbox Live (GT- NJMarty30). The soonest we can get a game the better, but at the latest we should be able to start this weekend.

My Xbox, it is back!

Yes, it shipped in today, and my parents apparently got to it, as it was plugged in when I got home. I'm not using it right now because I have to restablish an internet connect, for which I need a WEP key, which only my parents know, who won't be back for another 30-40 minutes. Anyway, I will change my gamertag. I have some ideas, but not sure how many are taken.

Anywho, I'm psyched. I've just been surfing GameSpot for about two and a half weeks now, time to get my gaming face on!8)

March Madness!

Well, it's that time of year again. 65 teams will be chosen this Sunday to be a part of the NCAA tournament, and I can't wait. I basically fill out a bracket each year, just for fun. I barely pay attention to basketball during the season though, so I'll often pick teams based on their names. :P It's still fun though. The best is the first couple of rounds though. I love paying attention to all of the scores. I basically sit there for a couple of days and stare at the TV for hours.

I'm not even really a fan of any one team. I'm the guy that just roots for the low seeds in every match, especially 16/1 matches. It seems like there is one 1 seed every year that almost goes down in the first round, even though it has still never happened. Mid-majors rule!

Anyway, my Xbox is currently on it's way back home. I'm hoping to have it by this weekend. :)

This guy needs help.

I was posting in a topic where a 13 year old was asking how to convince his parents to let him play Fallout 3. I said that I was 14 and I was only allowed to own Halo 3, so the kid should count his blessings. The following debocle ensued. NOTE: The first quote is a response to my post that I stated above.

[QUOTE="shaddix55"][QUOTE="DeathHeart95"][QUOTE="shaddix55"] All you hooligans need to stick to Viva PInata.. What are you doing playing a scary game like Fallout 3 anyway? Go put on your diapers and leave the hardcore gaming to the big boys.DeathHeart95
Because you apparently know me enough to make decisions on what I should be playing.

I do. All 13 year olds are exactly the same. I have a brother the same age. I know how it is. Play Viva Pinata boy!

I honestly don't know how to respond to this. Since you believe a stereotype is truth, I honestly can't. The only thing I can think of is to say that this is like saying any group of people is exactly alike. It's simply not true.

He has yet to respond to my latest post. I will update the blog when he does.

Halo finally?

Well, I may finally be able to play M rated games. Yeah, my parents are pretty strict.

Anyway, I have my mom on my side with, at the very least, Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4. Now the tricky part is my dad. I have a good argument... but that might not be enough. While I have a need to make sense, my parents don't. They'll win the argument by simply confusing me.

Anyway, once I can play some M rated games, many more will follow. The same thing happened with R rated movies. It started with The Lost Boys and now I can pretty much watch anything that doesn't have sex.

Wish me luck.:D

I'm so frustrated right now...

Lost Odyssey frustration. *Spoilers* I got to the first really big boss of disc four, and it's a freaking epic battle. It took me two tries, which took around a total of forty minutes. You heard me right. This dude had so much HP (over 10,000), that it took so long. Plus, I had to spend a couple turns just healing.

But I beat it, so I was happy. I went to find a save point, but there wasn't one I could find, so I just decided to go to the next area and save there. Little did I know that I would get stuck in another battle, which was actually fairly easy. Of course, now I have to fight four more of these guys before they can destroy a city. I kill two of them fairly easily. All of a sudden, on the third guy, an attack that was hitting 200 damage before is now hitting 2,000 damage. That is a one hit kill for most of my characters. I die. At this point, it's really late and I have to go to bed. I quit. I check later, only to see that I'm now before the epic boss. I'm pissed as you can imagine. About an hour's worth of work just erased.

It's kind of turned me off to the game. I'm probably just gonna look up a guide for the boss so I can beat it as fast as possible. I basically beat it without a guide anyway, so I have no guilt for that.

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