The fact that he can sound exactly like both of the original parts in a two part song is astounding. Tack on the fact that one is male and the other is female? He should go on America's Got Talent.
I think we need a national holiday. I call it "Media-free day". For an entire day, the media shuts up. People start to form their own opinions. O'Reilly, Hardwick, and Blitzer could go out for a round of golf. All would be right in the world.
[QUOTE="FastNorwegian"]What exactly does this legal status represent? Marriage was around before the USA believe or not. In the Bible, and today, I think it is more than just a legal status.GabuEx
In the United States, if you're a man and a woman, you can just go and get a marriage certificate, and bam, you're married. Any religious aspects are purely ceremonial.
As an addition onto Gabu's statement, marriage has legal benefits as well. For example: making medical decisions for your spouse, inheritance rights, even without a will, visiting rights in jail, etc.
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