In science, they should teach science. While you don't have to necessarily state that evolution is real, it's important to know what the theory is, so the child can make the assumption on their own.
Many people mentioned this, but DOTA. Instead of making more TDs or Gladiators (anyone even remember Gladiators?) they just play DOTA. Seriously. By the way, a lot of people actually hate Halo. 90% of the people at my school say that Halo is for losers. To be honest, it's become quite popular to hate Halo.
I missed X Play tonight, only catch the beginning of Cheaters. Seriously, how the hell can those two shows be on the same channel. By the way, the Movies that "Don't Suck" played Beyond Thunderdome and some random Pee-Wee movie. What the hell?
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