A political television show host denouncing Obama? This is nothing new.T_P_O Actually... it kind of is. At least on something other than Fox News.
WTF!!!!!!!!!!! Meticalla or w/e is actually winning? SOAD is the clear choice I can atleast hear what there saying >.>FreezeBlast95 You forgot your flame shield. You're doomed.
lol at the two people who voted for Nickelback. System gets my vote.effena lol is a bit of an underraction. It's more of an ROFLMFAOL.
How could any intelligent life exist on the 10th planet of our solar system when it would be farther from our sun than Pluto? :PManiacc1 Pluto isn't even a planet anymore! So it would be farther from the Sun than a planet farther from the Sun than Pluto...
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