It's simple, really. In fact, I think it can be boiled down to only two points: 1. Remember the otherworld is supposed to reflect the characters' psyche. Monsters, atmosphere, locations... they're all projections of feelings and memories. So don't give us Pyramid Head if he doesn't have an actual role in the story, get creative, you don't HAVE to stick to hospitals and schools. 2. Don't make it combat heavy like Homecoming was. Being skilled in battle and pulling out combos... it distracts from the focus of the game. Not being able to defend yourself properly, not knowing what lurks in the darkness, that's what delivers a true sense of dread. I'm not saying combat and the camera have to be clunky again, but I know you can do something to make us feel powerless in front of the town again.
Truth is, Nintendo's reputation kind of declined with the Wii. I mean, 75% of its titles were for casuals, and I guess most of us think the Wii U will be the same.
For the first time in a good while, I agree with each and every single point made in this article. I'm definitively concerned about next year's Assassin's Creed. I mean, it's ACIII we're talking about here, and with only one year available for development... I'd hate to see Ubisoft pull another Revelations on us.
Time to stop ignoring Angry Birds? Well, give me a second to think about it... ... No, it's still an overrated flash game that is killing dedicated portable gaming.
Death_Blade_182's comments