I recently came across a petition on petitiononline about how 300 Portrays the Persians as these horrible people.... And how they're really great, nice people and how all Persians nowadays are offended. http://www.petitiononline.com/wpci96c/petition.html So. I'm not really one for stupidity and stuff. I understand their point and everything. Xerxes WAS one of the greatest Persian duders around. But. Really... In this hypersensitive world, I am extremely annoyed at this particular bit of hypersensitivity. So I made a "Petition against the Dummies who thought 300 is Bad" Petition essentially highlighting their idiocy. http://www.petitiononline.com/300ntrl/petition.html Please join me, or if you can't see these links for whatever reason, please email me at: PeopleareDumb@mail.com
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