android loses because there are too many kinds of phone configurations. developers don't want to have to make a game for 10 different devices. its like there being a bunch of xbox 360s, some with 2 core cpus, some with 4, some with slower gpus, some faster.. etc. it would be a mess. windows phone 7 is a joke for games. a 99c game on the iphone costs 2.99 on the windows phone. wtf? microsoft is basically charging 2 dollar extra for every game, and if that doesn't bother you, well the windows phone 7 only has a handful of apps and games, and with low rates of sales it probably wont go up quickly, android and ios have hundreds of thousands in retrospect so yeah its clear that apple wins because of the easier to develop hardware, and because its cheaper, also, have you all seen the game infinity blade? that thing rivals console games in graphics when played on the iphone4. not to mention all the other amazing games on it like final fantasy 1+2 which are my favorites, dungeon hunter 2, etc
the graphics on these screenshots are 3 times more detailed than the console versions, and even though CoD isn't boasted as a graphics king, on the PC it looks better than any console game when all settings and AA are turned up along with high res
so even after 5 rounds of the same thing over and over, the 360 still wins? i thought people kept saying the ps3 was going to overcome the xbox eventually since the ps3's hardware is superior. so when is that going to happen, 2012?
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