i agree with most of you. not holding the game box in my hand, seeing the manual and the disk, is just not right for me. back when steam allowed you to download the games and pay for it online i felt uncomfortable and rather go to the store and buy the game in it's box. having a game simply connected to a user name isn't enough for me, i need to hold it lol, i have a strong connection with my final fantasy games from 7,8,9,10,10-2, and 12, it gives me pride seeing them side by side lol and i will continue to build that collection with FF13 and so on.
naw but seriously.... i own both systems and its sad to see even now they can't seem to use the ps3's potential correctly. maybe its because its so darn hard to program for like i read everywhere compared to the 360. anyways can't wait for a final fantasy 13 comparison between both systems. so for now, i just keep buying games for my 360 whenever i have a choice between both systems..
the lighting on the armor in gears 1 was better than gears 2 in my opinion. it just looks more dynamic with really dark and really bright texture, lights, on the armor. gears 2 is a little more plain and the armor looks to have the same lighting all around, so no shiny spots.
btw im gunna add this insightful comment graphics arent everything like some say. so when graphics dont matter what does? exclusives, online play, and extra features! i believe both have their nice exclusives halo3,gearsofwar,masseffect,mgs4,killzone2 online is generally perceived to be better on the 360.. not my opinion i own both but in general most websites say xbox360 online is smoother with better features and the chat function worked well from the day it came out. ps3 needed tons of patches to get it on and working right. ps3 has blu-ray on its side and home, which some might argue isnt really a plus.
ps3 will look better than the 360 when developers pour 3 times more money and time into developing the game because of how difficult the SPUs on the PS3 are to efficiently use. take this for example.. resistance 2 only used 20% of the ps3's SPU's power. why? because otherwise it would take another year to get it to use it at 80% meanwhile the xbox 360 uses net framework and 3 easy to program CPUs so it takes less time which is less money to make games look nice. thats why fallout 3 looks better when in theory the ps3 version should blow it away. they wont halt distribution of the game for another year just so they can make fallout 3 look as good as the ps3 can make it look. so they release games as soon as it finishes for either console, which usually the 360 will finish first. take the games oblivion and bioshock. both were released much later (a year later) than the xbox 360 version and looks just a little better (not much). it took them longer just to get the ps3 to look similar to the 360. when a company finally releases a game engine that utilizes the full ps3 power, then games will roll out looking way better. like killzone 3. which really still doesnt use 100% of ps3's power either.
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