So the last count of wiis were Nintendo is making 1.8 mill a month. that menas if there factorys are open for 12 hours a day they make 1.3 per second in a 31 day month
I did play it already. Its a good game but I do want to play Mario longer before Brawl comes out cause I dont think I will be playing much of anything else after that.
Before anyone else post make sure you write if you were a fan of all the Halos or if you just started playing them with number 3 cause like I said it looks like the fans are the ones that dont like it cause its nothing like the others. They changed and added WAY TO MUCH!
I still play alot but Im one of the few Halo "Fanboys" who can actually say that its not the greatest game. The story award has to go to Half Life 2 but the MP is the best Ive played, although Gears is fun aswell.Shade-Blade
It seems that Fans of the game didn't like it, such as myself. I had more fun with the beta then the real game. Release the beta for download and I would play that more then the real game. I am back to playing shadowrun and I have to say that game ROCKS!
I have played the game. Played it at the E for All Expo and it was good. I didn't like WWII shooters that much but this game I am getting. The Controls are great. The graphics look like PS2 but those dont matter. The online sounds like it will be a blast with 32 players. Get it, I am!
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