I predict that Valve will announce that they are renaming HalfLife : Episode 3 to Halflife Forever and it will become the new standard for making fun of how long it takes a developer to create an episodic NIGHTMARE.
I just can't wait for it to get ported to the consoles so I can enjoy it the way its meant to be enjoyed Graphically with out spending thousands of dollars to play it on the highest settings at a rather horrid FPS..... NO WAIT.... Yeah I would like to see this game on the 360... and the PS3.... I think that port would probably settle some of the Which is better Arguments. ' But I just can't see myself buying a game just to play it on an inferior setting. Because thats obliviously not the way the game was meant to be played. Although I have been enjoying the Demo.... I know I'm missing out on the Graphics.
So basically the only difference is that if your using Vista your OS sucks? I mean I tried playing Counter Strike Source on a Vista Machine much more powerful than mine and it looked like crap.
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