Well, I figured I'd give this a shot sooner or later. Well, nothing personal anyways as I do wish to stick to my "persona" in this place. But if ever so inclined to post here in my Gamespot blog, I will be typing about games. Maybe even some issues that concern me with society. Who knows.
But right now, what's in my head? Well, I'm awaiting Marvel vs Capcom 2 and the up coming "unknown release date" of Fallout 3's DLC. I would honestly love to get some more quests out of Fallout 3. I wish they could've added more from the get go. But I guess it's not so bad. From what I've read, they're supposed to be ten bucks a pop. So that's not bad. A lot better than Shivering Isle's $33 price tag when it first came out. Like an idiot, I bought it. But I did have the money at the time and I wanted to play Oblivion more (after doing everything already). But I hope the Fallout 3 DLC really is going for ten bucks.
Marvel vs Capcom 2 is a game I've been wanting for a while now. I've missed my chance to get it for PS2. I already have it for Dreamcast, but it always seems to reset itself. (something about a controller issue that's cutting the power) So I'm kind of counting on this release if I ever want a decent copy. Especially in HD.
Just recently bought Metal Gear Solid a couple of days ago. The PSN card was originally for MVC2 before I knew it was pushed back, but I bought it anyways because I wanted to "complete" my Metal Gear series collection. I like Twin Snakes, but it's still not the "original". Though it may not be a disk, a download's good enough. Especially when I get a higher memory stick for my PSP and play MGS1 anywhere I want. Seriously, what can top that?
With the remaining funds that I really can't use for anything else ($8.71) With the good stuff being $9.99, I went and bought a SF4 costume pack just for the hell of it. Also for the fact that I didn't know if funds do expire over time or not, so I didn't want it to go to waste. Even though I did technically waste it on a SF4 costume and said I would never support it lol But anyways, $3.99 plus tax later. I have a naked Akuma with a bowtie and Ken looking like some broke "white" pimp. Money well spent? Not really. Cured the boredom at the time? Not that much. But I'm thankful Akuma and Gouken are wearing something under "all of that". No "Japanese demon" crotch shots for me, thanks.
If anyone is actually reading this, thanks. Comment away, I'll rant with ya
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