his critisisms are pretty much spot on and the same most other reviewers have BUT its still a really fun game out of the box. I am really enjoying it. I would have given it an 8 or so now and after some free content patches and maybe an expansion i think it will easily be one of the best space themed 4x games out there.
@Ejotei from what i heere the multiplayer is pretty bad at the moment. I have seen multiple people complain thats its extremely difficult to group up and play with others. Hopefully they will fix it but if you are in this for multiplayer i would wait for reviews and see if they work it out.
@Sanligo i agree i bought into the beta and didn't like it much at all. The main kicker for me was the flight model. Maybe i was spoiled by games like Evochron Mercenary but I couldn't go back to the "WW2 Airplanes in space" flight model from the 90s. When the tech exists now to do so much more. IT really feels stripped down confining when coming from more modern space sims. IF youlike that type of flight model then this is probably the best game ever, I sadly don't fit into that camp and I tried to like it, i really did.
@TheJackFunk @DanielL5583 Scores should be taken in isolation though. Think about it. Lets say I just reviewed the newest CoD and gave it a 9 because I happened to like it and have bad taste. Another guy who works on the same site hates CoD and if he reviewed it he might have given it a 5 or a 6. So now the other guy reviews the new Civ and gives it a 7. Now you have the great unwashed of the internet flooding his article claiming this means he thinks CoD is better than Civ even though he personally doesn't believe that. and never said anything like that. This is how opinions work, You cannot have the kind of parity you are looking for in a SUBJECTIVE rating system because we are not the the borg, we have minds of our own and opinions differ, sometimes greatly. ITs amazing to me so many people seem incapable of comprehending this/
Derbefrier's comments