yup i love the faster gameplay and focus on mobility. I grew up playing UT and Quake and have missed those types of shooter after CoD took over. Granted the game isnt breaking any new ground but its got a great mix of the old and new school shooters.
dont forget modding and shit like that. I would have never put the hundreds of hours I did in skyrim with just the vanilla game. but yeah your right that the PC is loosing some of its advantages but some others are just getting stronger with such things like the steam workshop and easy access for indie developers I mean we have dozens of awesome kickstarter games on the horizen that are PC focused. Consoles will be good for the big blockbuster games and it cheaper startup cost but PC will remain the best place to go for true innovation in the industry. Also PC will have Star Citizen so it wins everything :)
All the xbox fans that haven't had the luxury of dealing with online DRM are in for a treat!! Wanna play your game on launch day? well good luck the servers will be down and unreliable for the next week! serioiusly people look up the launch of Sim City and Diablo 3 if you wanna know how awesome DRM is!
As a primarily PC gamer having already experienced the pain of the always online DRM fad(something many PC publishers have started shying away from) and the huge inconvenience it can bring..of not being able to play the fucking game you bought. I will not be buying this console. I am now heavily leaning towards a PS4 .
Although its great to see this finally coming to the console boxes. This drop in and out multiplayer has been prevalent in PC gaming for a long time already. So while console gamers may see it as new and exciting its really just the consoles are finally catching up to the capabilities of PCs.
Derbefrier's comments