Hey Gamespot! You're not IGN. PLEASE keep it that way! Stick to gaming new ONLY! I don't give two dog craps about anything movie, comic, music, or non-gaming related!!!!
Look, I'm an Xbox fan and even I know that Phil/Microsoft are lying. It's easy to sell out when you hold back inventory and sell the most expensive version first which only a small percentage are going to buy over the standard 500gb model.
Also, just look at the majority of comments on all the gaming sites and that will show you right there that people are holding back for the Scorpio.
I hope no-one actually believes another lie from Microsoft. Everything they do is in response to competition. We would still be paying to stream Netflix via Xbox Live if PS4 hadn't pulled ahead in sales.
I honestly don't care. As someone who has been slowly transitioning into the world of PC gaming, I finally made the complete jump after watching E3. My Xbox One will be probably be my last console unless I get a steam machine at some point, but I will more then likely just get a Steam Link.
Crowdfunding is the absolute worst. When celebrities, movie studios, and game developers (all of which have made BIG bucks) started sticking out their hand to the common person and asking for cash to make something, crowdfunding officially died for me.
I find it strange how Ubisoft has become the new EA (which I must admit is an insult to EA). EA has become a much more consumer friendly publisher, while Ubisoft destroys every IP they have with yearly releases that suck and their stupid Uplay bloatware.
Hey Gamespot! Please don't become like the trash website IGN who now reviews everything BUT videogames! You have a purpose and this crap article about a NON Video game subject is NOT needed on this great website!
@Tails15809: Well, I think we can all agree that bad parenting is to blame.... this is evident by how the parents encouraged a young child to watch/play FIFA! What kind of sicko parent encourages soccer.
Derekuda's comments