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Destiny_Guy Blog


Gotta be at leased as important as a level blog; my birthday's today! Coincidentally, it's also ND's (what ARE the chances??) Please send your gift to PO Box... :D Oh, I almost forgot. Huzzah!

Eve of the Apocalypse!

EotAT is the greatest thing ever conceived by mortal minds! Nymeria ftw! ...Eve of the Apocalypse: Twilight, if you're not familiar with it (which you no doubt aren't). It even had a wikipedia page, but it got deleted, apparently.. God dammit, some things just deserve frickin wikipedia pages, ok?! Ok I'm done talking about random bull**** no one understands now. (even if it DOES kick ass) ...For a while anyway. ...I promise! Edit: OMGDFG, DotA gets a god damn page but EotA doesn't?!?!?!?! EotA is a frickin MILLION times better than allstars! damn these people!

Here, have a blog post.

Ok. Most of you are probably pretty angry at me for basically abandoning everything I was in the middle of here on GS, but some major stuff came up and I've been really distracted. I'm in kinda deep sh**... Anyway, I'm sorry to everyone, especially team shroomified. I don't know how active I'll be, I doubt I'll be posting much, if at all.

Face it, Deer are just huge rats.

They ARE. Anyway. I got in an argument with a girl I know who's totally full of sh** (She's just that kind of sh** filled person, you know?) about whether she'd ever really (And I mean damn REALLY) worked on a farm. It seemed like the kind of thing that a lot of people might claim, for they have probably been on a farm at some point in their life, but I wondered. So, simple poll. Would you say you've ever really done work on a farm? P.S. This post sounds really offensive in a way I don't really mean.

Another pointless Diablo blog :D

After watching the gameplay video... Wow. It looks amazingly awesome. I almost had a heart attack. It looks a lot darker too, with better graphics. That's probably a bad thing for me personally, but the graphics still look amazing. It looks almost like it could have been an MMO (which it isn't), and in all honesty, a Diablo action RPG MMO would kick 455... I want it so bad... I wonder if my computer can handle brand-new games like that very well... There's just one thing that's bothering me. Does Deckard Cain DIE?! Edit: There's a sound effect recycled from warcraft 3 in the beginning of the video.

Make the Moon

I just finished making the moon in Katamari Damacy. 798m 72cm. I almost made it to 800, but you move SOOOO SLOOOW at that size... It was my second try at it, but it was the first time I've finished it. I rolled up a god, for crying out loud. I got almost the entire level, and yet I didn't get the present... Where the heck is it...?! P.S. Ya, I'm allowed to steal ND's banners. Guess what game that's from?