At this point, Micrsoft could say the console is free and comes with cupcakes. And every one will still be pissed off. Im waiting for the rumors to subside and see whats really confirmed and how this Console really works. I am trying preetty hard to not just go over to Ps4 :P
@furrynic @Desynkronic Nintendo then should change their mascot every game, Sega should change their mascot and make their logo pink, Sony's color should be red, Chase should recolor their logo black, America's flag should be recolor i mean why red white and blue? See what im going at here the green is Microsoft identity when it comes to Xbox u don't just change your identity.
@Devils-DIVISION People don't realize consoles never reach their full graphical life span till the near end of the generation so people probably wont even notice.
@COPMAN221ISBACK @Desynkronic I don't like the pre-owned thing, i don't really care about the no BC as i still have my 360, The always online? My internet has been pretty steady and i can handle a day or two without gaming if my internet is Dc'ed for what ever reason. Im sure microsoft remembers Xbox One is a gaming console that they will address at E3 if not then i will understand people about them not "supporting" gamers.
Desynkronic's comments