@COPMAN221ISBACK Youve been bashing x1 ever since its been revealed and i swear i see you every day at least once on an xbox one article do you get paid to do this O_o?!
@IndremaLover @Desynkronic Then don't buy it? The Kiinect is the xbox one and the xbox one is the kinect they are together and make up the x1 without the kinect your left with what we have today with better graphics.
@Divisionbell @Smosh150 And a rich ass gamer cant make a difference in this country? What kind of BS are you speaking of? Any one can make a difference why can only a "legitimate" athlete can make a difference, Oh you mean like some that are a sports player by day and a murderer by night? Yea okay
Many Definitions for words come from how they are used in context, so in time the definition of athlete may change. It would also cause the gov money to make a new label.
Desynkronic's comments