Bought this game two days ago. Been playing non-stop. Totally worth getting.. insanely addictive. The 3DS is a great portable mainly because of the great titles for it. (Fire Emblem: Awakening, Super Mario 3DS, and now this.)
@ben2970 LoL isn't going to die out anytime soon. More people voted for a professional LoL player (Misaya) to be the Chinese MVP than people voted for Kobe Bryant on the NBA allstar team.
Google it if you don't believe me, the article/citation is out there.
@gothemile @Detriiment @DigitalBushido @wgerardi Sounds like someones a little angry. Pro LoL players ARE athletes, to play LoL at the highest level requires hard work, dedication, teamwork, and mechanical skill. Professionally playing LoL is definitely more "athletic" than some of the other bullshit out there, like bowling/golf/etc.
@gokussj529 Americans are fat cuz you like McDonalds, not cuz of gaming. Millions of people all over the world game rigorously. See, China, Japan, Korea, most of EU, Canada, etc.
Stop eating, and stop blaming your rampant obesity on videogames.
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