Anyone ca help me a simple guide how to make it work PS1 games which was downloaded to PSVITA then transfer to PS3?
DeviIHuman's forum posts
I haven't transfer files on PSVITA to PS3 maybe simply redeem the ps1 game or do not include the save file just the game only. Just make sure the folder is correct like SLUSxxxx or SLExxxx this some kind of folder name for PS1 games and you transfer the game on the right folder. It might work, sorry I rarely used my PS3, I don't have much time for it while working.
Maybe Granpire might help you to fix the problem:)
I just read this newsand saw this PS3 PS Store there are 5 or 6 PS games, One of those games that caught my interest are Zanac and Vehicle Cavalier,I miss the times when I playing these games. So I download it on my PS3 but then I would also like to check the difference on Vita but then these titles are hiding or is it really not appear on Vita PSN. But it won't stop me lol
I just easily put the games on my PC then connect Vita ..... transferring games..... opening game.... it worked lol. hahahaha
I say if the thread's revived, with an actual discussion going on, there's no point calling out Necromancy. Especially if you're three weeks late in catching it...Granpire
Agree with you if the mod notice it last 3 weeks then there's no problem lol
WEll 2 fighting games lol UMvsC3 and SFxT but current games on my Vita are
Ragnarok Odyssey
Peronsona 4
Current Vita card inserted Persona 4. ^_^
I have no idea what you mean by AoE and SFRW, or even joint attack. Better graphics? That's not a valid reason to say it's a better game. Final Fantasy Tactics is a deep, involving, and well-written game, none of which apply to Ragnarok Tactics from the reviews I've read. I think Tactics Ogre is still the best TRPG, though. If you like TRPGs at all, you owe it to yourself to play Tactics Ogre on PSP.Granpire
You know in the first place I don't like tactic games first game I played waas FF Tactics from PS1 then when I played Super Fighting Robo Wars another *** tactics game the animation was freaking awesome. Then I slowly like tactics games I am into gameplay and story line just like Disgaea another cool tactics game then I played FF War of the Lion. If you don't have Idea about SFRW type it on Youtube and SFRW Z Sasaihen, I survive playing that game even though it is Japanese or I just like GUndam Wing, Seed and Mazinger Z
oh I almost forgot i got 11 games I also got Persona 4 I forgot to count it since I am playing Dokruo while posting my previous message then when I close my message I forgot to write Persona 4 ^_^
I can't seem to get into Crisis Core.Blabadon
Agreed but what I like on Crisis Core is the Story lol. But the gameplay is like playing a Casino
I almost got most of the PSP games I have 276 games for psp lol. I collected it for almost 5 years. But in Vita I am kind of noob collector lol. Game still expensive.
Current Vita games are only 10
Gravity Rush
Dynasty Warriors Plus
Ragnarok Odyssey
Street Fighter X Tekken
Shinobido 2
Ninja Gaiden Plus
Little Big Planet
Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3
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