I did some research on Capcom game titles for Vita and the only working titles is Lost Planet 2 which is TBA on Japan, then most of the games are all Nintendo [3DS and WiiU]. Does it mean they will lessen their production on Vita? I want to know why Capcom ignored Vita, I have been used to play Capcom titles for almost 10 years.
I want Monster Hunter 4!! I've waited for it on Vita. Why it was scheduled on 3DS first? Then there's still no Resident Evil titles on Vita.
I enjoy playing Vita if you're busy and always at work you can enjoy Vita since you can play it everywhere. It depends on what type of games you want. So I would like to ask you what type of games you liked to play on Vita?
The game was released last November 8 in NA. It is free to play and I would like to know if this game is worth playing on iPad Most of my friends are playing this game.
AC 3 Liberation disappoints me lol. The frame rate is too slow and the MP mode also fails it was like a card game not like the previous AC Brotherhood or Liberation. But it's up to you ^_^
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