I think its sad that capcom makes bank while the devs who made the game with minimal resources go broke. Yes its a bad game but how can a company claim profit at the cost of another. thats leaching in a horrfic scale!
Disapointed, not to jump the mark, but I remember playing Dead or alive back in the day and being blown away by the intense insanity of the speed of it all, but this looks like virtual fighter with interactive sets.
That was awesome! I think the guy playing didnt know what he was doing but the back and forth was pretty cool. loved how dante barely glances to avoid the debris. Classic style.
I only feel bad when its a good company that has either a good track record, or good potential for new stuff. Its hard to hate the people that pour their hearts out into creating something highly memorable. However its a double edged sword, dumb CEO's who make bad mistakes deserve to see thier folly in the most humbling of ways, (watching the company go broke under their watch)
Yes i beleive in artistic value, see my nonstop admiration for David Cage's Heavy Rain when it ent under fire from critics for not being a video game or just a qte fest but also beleive that if you are makinga game for the consumer, (are you honestly telling me they made mass effect 3 to be artistic?) the consumers ultimate opinion should come into play. Its called apealing to ourcoe audiance. There is a thing as auturism but I dont think alot of the games you mentioned are coming from people that make games for the sake of art (where as Heavy Rain was openly stated to attempt to change games as a medium and blur the line between art vs game before the game was even released.)
Mass Effect lied to the audiance, they created something that led to their game being labeled in a bad light. This isnt because the gamers didnt understand, but because the customer is right and in this case, they judged it to be a bad game. If the consumers cant be allowed to hold game companies responsible for their irresponsibility, than the gamer is just a sheep.
Now i know there is a mention of Doom 3, fact is itsbeen 8 years, the gam is probably not selling as it is, any artistic value thegame may have had, has already been experianced. Bethesda, going back, is just giving us a even newer experiance. It is not that big of an issu of the customer being right or wrong in destroying art.
Also to look at star wars, George lucas makes changes against the fans very wishes, and then makes us pay for it to get the new installment. Sad to say but good luck finding the original star warsmovies, untouched, on blu ray. Now if lucas is doing it for arts sake, i can understand, but its hard to beleive that considering star wars is one ofthe most whored out franchises out there.
The customer has an obligation to speak their mind, and in the end be the jury for the companies. If not, Kane and Lynch 2 gets released after calling the first one a success. Raccoon City is a good game because it sold, ratherthan being a giant bomb critically and a bad game.
And no, EA doesnt deserve theright to go back and give us a good ending. Sometimes you have to learn to live wiht your mistakes.
I recall San Andreas being released late into the ps2's shelf life. I could be wrong, but that game pretty much said, "this is the limit of the ps2, next system please."
DevilD2005's comments