Do you think there will be an option to like.. buy one month things from the PSN store? Like I don't want my credit card on it all the time so it always gets charged at the end of every month even when I don't play. Being able to buy a monthly thing would be great and I would get it. ^_^
I understand it's supposed to be steampunk look but a little color would help. So far all the environments I've seen in it are the same grey looking metal areas. Hopefully there will be more variety in the full game.
Definitely looking forward to this though. I hope the combat system will WOW me.
[QUOTE="psychobrew"]Of course it's going to be much better than MW2. Battlefield is the most epic series of FPSs ever.nitsud_19
QFT! This man knows what time it is.
Double QFT! Don't have to worry about stupid campers, either. They camp and we blow the whole damn building apart. :D
I have it downloaded and installed and am waiting for the servers to go up. I checked the info and it said this thing is going until February... OH GOD YES!
[QUOTE="coolkid93"]Wheres the in-game internet huh? hiryu3
Why do you need in-game internet? I all for updates but that seems a bit extreme. which console has that feature?
Wouldn't you like to be playing a hard game and then just press the xmb, go to the browser, open up a faq, and then once your done reading continue playing in a button press? I'd love it for Demon's Souls and Uncharted 2 treasure hunting.
Voice Party Chat or don't update at all, Sony. I don't care about Facebook and I know other people don't care about voice chat, but god damn! Just take the one last thing MS has over you when it comes to features. Though the NXE looks tons better than the XMB, but nothing can change that. :P
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