I'd rather they release it in 2011. If Resistance 3 is coming out in 2010 then Killzone should be 2011. I mean I know the engine is already done but really.. a year?
I completed my PS3 collection last month. Well it officially is complete now cause of Uncharted 2... Anyway, get Batman: AA, Burnout: Paradise, Katamari Forever, Blazblue, or something like that. My list was full of M games so those are out. Oh and GET VALKYRIA CHRONICLES. Doesn't matter if you don't want SRPG's. I hate them too but VC is just that good.
Oh and TC, your doin' it wrong. Your Demon's Souls signature oozes of hypocrisy. Buy the game first, yo. :P
Definitely. Getting the PS3 version cause I always get single player only multiplats on my PS3 (MW2 on 360 for example) and I want this game badly. I love games that have that whole European vibe and involve stealth. One of the reasons the Europe act (clocktower battle ftw!) in MGS4 is my favorite.
Still got to pick up the first one for PS3... I borrowed the 360 version from my cousin when he rented it but I have been wanting to play it again for a while.
Alright best RPG's this gen so far are Fable II, Oblivion (fallout sucks), and.. Final Fantasy XIII isn't out yet... right? :P
i actually dont like oblivion that much personally, i just didnt like the combat or the way enemies scaled, or the useless healing spells. Persona 4 is the best RPG this gen imo.
Persona 4 is amazing but I can't really consider it this gen when it only came out on PS2.
Even if it did come out last year. That console just won't die. :P
Oh please you have never even played it. I could say Halo is just doom with next gen graphics all I want but that doesn't mean it's true. Simple matter is that the tomb raider game suck and uncharted games beat anything out this gen.
Yes, I've played every 360/PS3/Wii game with good reviews and Uncharted 2 tops every last one. Why don't you play it before you go running off your mouth. At least I have the stones to say I played Mass Effect and think it's crap. See the difference? I've actually played it and given it a chance.
Then you fail. Mass effect is this gens best RPG till Mass effect 2 and Dragon age origins. Noob. As far as ratings go oblivion is the best RPG this gen. Stop humping Bioware's leg....
Oh **** how could I forget Oblivion.
Alright best RPG's this gen so far are Fable II, Oblivion (fallout sucks), and.. Final Fantasy XIII isn't out yet... right? :P
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