@Alex_09 You don't need the console versions to play with a controller on a HDTV. I'm playing my PC version on a 55" HDTV at full 1080p, with a wireless 360 controller. All it takes is a long HDMI cable and the wireless controller adapter.
@hellpolice it's super easy to hack your Wii if you just follow an online guide. Just do that and import the game. I did it, and it was easily worth the small effort it took.
I tried these 'social' games for a while. Slightly addicting, until one day you realize it's not even a game at all. Farmville and it's clones don't have any actual gameplay. You click your soil, click it again to plant, come back 8 hours later and click to gather. Rinse and repeat. That's not a video game.
PC is always better, unless it's a crappy port. These screenshots show the difference in textures, but not how much better PC looks when running at 1920x1200 with high FSAA and such. So for those who don't see a difference, there's much more difference than this can even show.
Dezuria's comments