@mike9876543210 @Dieofnv mike take the blind fold of your eyes, the truth will set you free!!!!FYI: im not a fanboy, if sony makes a better console you can bet your ass i will switch over.
@svaubel no, the "new" xbox is made with cheaper parts if they drop the price on the current S xbox they are going to loose money ;) economics 101
@leviathanwing @Dieofnv Worldwide sales figuresWii – 99.84 million as of 31 March 2013xbox360– 77.2 million as of 31 December 2012Playstation 3 – 70 million as of 4 November 2012 " Wikipedia"
@mike9876543210 @OuTLaWzGaming http://www.computerandvideogames.com/406661/npd-april-hardware-sales-still-in-decline-xbox-360-still-on-top/24th Month (the key word here is ) STAIGHT
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