this is NOT about a Great games with female character in it OR games that have MULTIPLE characters and one of them is a female(the final fantasy series ,the DOA or the silent hill series )
ITS ABOUT having or taking the risk of publishing a new IP with a LEAD female charachter in it . and tho silent hill 3 sold well it did poorly compare with silent hill 2 with a male character. theres only been a few games with a female lead character (Tomb raider and samus from metroid ) that have success both as a great game and sales.
@RandyAU93 @narpassword may a remind you xbox360 came out in 2005 and PS3 in 2006 thats 8 years ago and digital download and installing games on the harddrive was not a main focus and as soon the whole downloading and installing games became available, both the xbox and PS3 upgraded their HDD and tho the xbox HDD is expensive you can get a 3er party HDD for half the price.
The wii U in the other hand came out IN 2013 and it is a so called NEXT GEN SYSTEM with 8 and 32 GB HDD.
so before you used your sarcasm think if it makes sense
in a market were Ps3 and Xbox have HDD in the hundreds, Nintendo comes with a system with single and double digits HDD that's not a good move.
i think ill be seen Nintendo with the same fate as Sega back in the day.
PS: Nintendo fans do not defend this outright ripoff from Nintendo, the Wii-U has no excuses not to include a 120gb HDD. you should demand the same storage capacity as PS3 and Xbox owners.
gamespot editor are a joke they give this game 5.5 and silent hill "HD" 7.0 with praise of" HD visuals reveal extra detail and New, well-done voice acting for Silent Hill 2" when silent hill is one of the worse remakes ever with konami having to refund or exchange the game and giving up no patches for the game
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