@frozengrudge @NoAngle @Dieofnv childish and retarded point, i can say the same ridiculous thing about the PS4 but you know something I dont give 2 fucks about it ;)
is funny how PS fans cant seem to stop reading xbox one article !!you dont have to read it watch it comment we "the xbots" are going to buy the xbox one and enjoy it you in the other hand are going to be miserable because of it ;) otherwise why would you be trying SOOOOOO HARD .
@cryingdevil63 the xbox 360 is inferior than the playstation 3 and developers prefer the xbox over the PS3
3 things are wrong is that incident:1.why is a 8yr playing GTAIV (M rated) game ?2.why and how the hell they have and unsecured handgun/weapon 3. why is this kid living with his grandmother
@Deadly_Nemesis @DiamondDM13 i liked to human i wish they finish the trilogy, mind you im not crazy but it was good.
Dieofnv's comments