I got a kick out of this.
post script: have I mentioned that my guild leaders are @$$ holes?
DiffEcult Blog
Wesly Crusher all grown up
by DiffEcult on Comments
Now I've seen him on one of those E! specials about adult child stars, always noticing on how he's probably the least messed up out of all them. Last I heard he was trying to make an acting come back via comedy improv group (groan). But here I was minding my own business, checking out the latest The Hater at the A.V. Club when I see this article on E3. Big deal, who cares, right? That's what I thought till I looked at who wrote it, Wil Wheaton! Yes, everyone's least favorite Star Trek character writing an article for the Onion.
Somewhere I remember reading that his blog was a great read, with him recalling treky conventions and how Shattner is a dick. But I never went to his blog, but after reading his E3 article I just might. The article, entitled Future Shock, detailed his adventures through the expo and his search for the Guitar Hero II booth. Anyway, it was surprisingly good. Who woulda thunk it.
Somewhere I remember reading that his blog was a great read, with him recalling treky conventions and how Shattner is a dick. But I never went to his blog, but after reading his E3 article I just might. The article, entitled Future Shock, detailed his adventures through the expo and his search for the Guitar Hero II booth. Anyway, it was surprisingly good. Who woulda thunk it.
Dreamy Time Fantasy Hour
by DiffEcult on Comments

Amanda Seyfried is my newest stalking victim. She's a great actress, holding her own with the likes of Sissy Spacek and Ian McShane in Nine Lives, and doing some really good work on the HBO show Big Love (where she plays a wonderful counterpoint to Tina Majorino of Napolean Dynamite fame). Oh and she's incredibly hot. Forget about Lindsay and Hilary, Amanda is where it's at.
post script: my guild officers are still a-holes.
Now what
by DiffEcult on Comments
So I've finally got around to beating God of War and now I'm completely bored out of my mind. Played through a couple of songs in Guitar Hero, tried (with no success) to copy a character to the WoW test realm and watched my daily quota of 20 hours of television. I should get to finishing Oblivion or leveling my priest on the new pvp realm, but doing either seems like more work than fun.
eh. Should have rented some videos.
post script: my WoW guild is run by **** holes.
eh. Should have rented some videos.
post script: my WoW guild is run by **** holes.
Listening to a well balanced meal
by DiffEcult on Comments
For me, the music you listen to should be like your food you eat. Ideally your musical diet should give all the vitamins and minerals that a health mind needs. Having said that, some times you just want some cheese. So here is a solid block of Velveeta that I'm digesting.
West Street Mob - Break Dance (Electric Boogie)
Some old school hip-hop that'll get you poppin' and lockin' on a cardboard dance floor.
The Lovefreekz - Shine (LF Club Mix)
You ever just rubbed your eyes for way too long? It hurts doing it but you just can't stop? Now you can do that for your ears!
Logistics - Blackout
Drum 'n bass + Anime theme song = Nerdlicious
Future Funk Squad - Turning Switches
This is what happens when a bunch of guys quit trying and just copy the Chemical Brothers.
Uniting Nations - Ai No Corrida (Uniting Nations Extended Mix)
How do you make a Quincy Jones song even better? Have a white person sing it! I mean just look at Thriller.
West Street Mob - Break Dance (Electric Boogie)
Some old school hip-hop that'll get you poppin' and lockin' on a cardboard dance floor.
The Lovefreekz - Shine (LF Club Mix)
You ever just rubbed your eyes for way too long? It hurts doing it but you just can't stop? Now you can do that for your ears!
Logistics - Blackout
Drum 'n bass + Anime theme song = Nerdlicious
Future Funk Squad - Turning Switches
This is what happens when a bunch of guys quit trying and just copy the Chemical Brothers.
Uniting Nations - Ai No Corrida (Uniting Nations Extended Mix)
How do you make a Quincy Jones song even better? Have a white person sing it! I mean just look at Thriller.
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